
Feb 28, 2010 16:15

Since I was tagged by a1y_puff... XD

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts/ about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do this.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say you tag, "whoever wants to do it".

1. There are some books that I love, maybe, too much. It can be compared with infatuation for a person, really.

2. I used to work in the family entertainment centre called 'Crazy Park'. It was a really appropriate name for this place XD This is where I realized how annoying and tiring can be communication with children. However, some of them were quite nice^^

3. I like swearing, but my former classmates didn't know it. They thought I was all goodie-goodie XD When they first saw my unquotable status, they were shocked. It was so lol XDD

4. I always tell everyone who would listen to me that I'm a true man. First, it's funny. Second, I don't like too feminine girls and try not to behave like them. Sometimes I even use masculine gender when talking about myself XD (however, now it's quite common in Russia among girls who watch too much anime. that's why it can be a problem to distinguish who you are talking to XD). It sounds especially funny when I'm in a fangirling mode XDD

5. I like guys who resemble girls XDD

6. I often input the wrong data when I register on different sites. It can be the wrong date of birth, the wrong sex or the wrong native city. I don't even know why I do it. Maybe it's a bit childish, because who cares how old I am in fact? xD

7. I started reading fanfiction only last year, in July.

I don't think I have 7 people to tag, so forgive me XD
sleeping_sei , yuusuke_ando , i_ate_your_cake , aprilchild 


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