A fun little game

Feb 19, 2008 15:21

Comment and I'll give you a letter: Then you have to list 10 things you love that begin with that letter. Afterward, post this in your journal and give out some letters of your own.

My letter is E

1. Eden: It's an Endless World by Hiroki Endo. I'm such a sucker for this series. Very dark, but though provoking and interesting in a way few other series are.

2. Emily, since my first name starts with an E, I should really make my own list, after all I'm special.

3. Everquest II, total nerd, and once I get a computer and an internet connection that will run it, I will be back on.

4. "Everything to Everyone" by Everclear. One of my favorite songs especially when it came out back when I was younger. Double points an E song by an E band.

5. Elizabeth, my best friend, hands down.

6. "Escapism" what fun is life if you can't at least get away in your own mind. Not a live in the moment kind of person at all.

7. Earth, hey, it's home.

8. "Equality" - an excellent concept, provided we remember that, as Madeline L'Engle puts it, "Like and equal are not the same thing."

9. Eating, if I was a dog you'd call me "food motivated."

10. Elvis Costello, love him. Allison is the best.

Anybody in the mood to do this, comment away. I promise I won't give you "Q".

come on, it's fun

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