Long time no update! + wedding date to be released

Dec 29, 2008 23:02

Lots of new things!

Had been working at the salon for a month, was highly unsatisfied... so I found a new one with more hours and a job AFTER internship :) a very nice place I might add! love it!

Also, J-M has decided it was time to act, and he decided to tell everyone we were getting married. this means, he's ready for it himself :0 I'm very happy about it.

So we'll be looking around soon enough to havea placeholder for the church and reception. We'll do it at my hometown, and the reception in his :)

Christmas ws tiring, but fun. J-M and I spent a night at W hotel (starwoods) in montreal and we loved the look of it! we spent the night out walking around to find a convenient store, which wasn't much of a success since the closest was closed, and the other was was 3 miles away or so... wierd, since we were close to a bridge AND in a big area to be in!

But we found a tim horton's a street higher corner of beaver hall and rené-levesque :)

We still hadn't cleaned from the dinner we held on dec 23 with our friends, so I need to finish all of this tonight. I'm working in the morning tomorrow and will be free in the evening!

I also became addicted to Soul Eater :)

On another news, I might be attending New York anime fest if I can get my passport. Luckily, i found two friends that told me they were going and I had already planned to find people to attend it! she came to me and told me she was planning to go :)

if I can get my passport, I'll go there instead of OTAKON... Baltimore is farther away and I'd prefer this year at NY anime fest because....

SUMIKIN, the awesome cosplayer, will be there! :D
I wish I went to Otakon with Dark Link (guy) and Roxas 9vince) like they're planning so I could meet pikminlink, but NY anime fest might be the only time FRIENDS I KNOW are going XD

Otherwise, I'm still planning to attend Toronto's Anime North and Montreal's Otakuthon...

crazy are those showing up at Ganime, anime north, otakuthon, fanexpo, dot-con, naru2-u in the same year... XD too much money and too much travel for me :)

one in toronto, one in Montreal and another in NY city... enough I believe of 7 drive for both locations other than MTL! XD

Other than that, I'll be preparing a list if invitations for the wedding next week. I'm inviting some people for dinner (closest) and others for the party like my dad suggested. Some people I know are close, but not enough to have them use the moeny WE'll be spending on the lunch. Might as well attend for the party and have fun :)

I wish I could tell Al about this, but even though I have him on facebook, I barely get to seee him active! I might send him a msg just in case... who knows maybe I just don't SEE him active and he is :P hehe

I guess that's it so far... I'm pretty comfy at the appratment... My place, my cat's feeling nice about it as well, my parents came to visit this weekend ^^ something I never thought would happen since I'm 40 minutes away from them!!!

I only need to find my brother some time so he can show up with Melissa :) he's the only who didn't come XD

I miss my family :3 and love them so much ^^

well, gotta go finish my cleaning now!
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