Some things outta be tougher than others... and big days too...

Jun 06, 2008 22:25


I had the biggest day ever today....

1. I get to school and am given a customer.... Melanie Trudel. She cancels but gives her appointment to her friend, Yannie.

2. Yannie comes in, witht eh surprise, she's 15 years old accompanied by her mom. Her mom sits behind me ALL the way during the hair fixing procedure.... coming up in my mind "it feels like I'm being watched..."

- her job was to REDO the blonde stripes she had done in FEBRUARY! She had a 2 inches long ROOT! WTH?!?! They were specially made ones too so it was hard to find them all... So I use a bleach on the roots to lighten them up as equally as possible... once done, I rinse alll the thing and use a hair cleasing cream shampoo...

- I put on a 20 minutes semi-permanent color (Shade EQ) of 09GB color (butterscotch). once done, I re-reinse her hair out, clean them up, condition them, treat them... I sit her back, cut her hair and bangs... once done, I straighten her hair like she wanted. Satistfied, she leaves giving me 5$ tip that paid my lunch...

3. lunch: a can of coca cola and a small cherry Jello.
I take my 45 minutes break and get back to class at 2 pm... school ends at 3. I sart working on my quadrant hair color corrections and prepare to clean up.

4. Tommy does Caroline's hair, a streak she wants blue for st-jean-baptiste... BUT asks everyone in the class: "can you finish, my boyfriend's coming to pick me up..." COME ON!!! never start something you CAN'T finish.

I decided to finish the job... I got to know her and we get along a hell a lot! I made a new friend it seems! :P Once done, it was 3:45 pm... I drove her to her boyfriend's place because she had gigantic heavy bags to carry. I go home, but get stuck in a full lot of traffic...

5. I get home at 5 pm, eat dinner.

6. right after dinner, I had to cut my brother's hair!

7. once THAT was done, I had to dye mom's roots!

8. Once done, it's 8:30 pm... I go to my aunt to talk a bit and come back to watch the end of a show with mom.

9 and HERE I $%&&?%*"/$&" AM!!!

now someone says I don'T deserve to sleep! it's 10:49 pm!!!

I'm working at 8 in the moning and 8:30 sunday... x_x I have an exam tuesday and am off monday, but working.

hairdressing is funa nd you don't see the time pass AT ALL! which is why I like physically active jobs like that ^^

I'm also getting MY hair done next thursday, and going back another time for my streaks to be silver. it's a more than one time job to bleach hair at that lvl without burning them off.

anyways... as for now, I'm heading to BED after putting my clothes away x_x had no time for ANYTHING o.o

hair tips? ask me.
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