Aug 08, 2008 21:58
I got my digital box tonight. And I was all set and geeked for the newest SGA episode tonight. Then I remembered that it was on hiatus this week and would be back next week. My only consolation is a repeat of Ripple Effect (which is always good because Cam loses his pants). So now I've got all these channels and no-bleeding-where to go. It would figure.
It's not like the newest episode was one I can't miss. It's got Replicators in it. And not the scary ones either. I hate bugs. So the SG1 Replicators creep me out big time. Even the corny zombie one from Ark of Truth. But these SGA Replicators are just silly. I mean, all I can think of when I see them is MASH (props to David Ogden Steirs even though he's the reason for the association). Sociopathic Replicators named with numbers just were much creepier than ones who tried to better themselves and failed miserably.
So they kind of ditched the entire Friday night line up. Not that I'm a huge Dr. Who fan or anything. But it's decent, I guess. And people around the world are screaming in anger and disgust at my apathy to Dr. Who right now. Lol. Still waiting for BSG to start back up. Which could happen anytime now as far as I'm concerned. I've with held all judgment of Continuum, which I have seen, until a little more time has passed. I will say I loved it. Lots of angst. Lots of open story left though. Too much left in my humble opinion, but it's Brad's baby. We'll see what the third one does.