As tagged by
changlingsea and
em_again. And of course a little wave to
smaesen who has been corrupted unto the LJ.
The rules in this game of tag are simple -- once you have been tagged, you must write a blog with ten weird, random things, little known facts or habits about yourself. At the end choose a few people to be tagged and list their names.
1. I keep a photograph of me as a baby with each of my mother's parents by my bed so I can see them every morning. Grandma died in 1993, and Grandpa is the one living with us.
2. I troll for pattern pirates and enjoy it.
3. I own the Beauty trilogy by Anne Rice.
4. I'll cook/taste anything once.
5. I hate my great uncle Al for a very good reason and, as I get older, I get more tempted to share it just to be rid of it.
6. I despise my mother's dentures with a passion. She creeps me out with them. I won't look at her when she doesn't have them in. And I may get a better seat in hell for it.
7. I refer to Bishop Hurley as Bishop Gold Jesus.
8. I want to go to ComiCon this year for the Stargate: Continuum presentation but can't.
9. I designed a one-of-a-kind piece of stitching for a neighbor who's daughter is adopting in July.
10. It's been years since I told anyone I loved them.
Ok, here are the tags:
lilrinnieb and
southernoracle (if they so choose).