Dec 18, 2006 17:33
It's bittersweet but I resigned today. It took a fair bit of effort but I gathered my courage and gave my one week's notice. The boss looked surprised and then said "Ok". He sounded pretty pleased, I'm sure they were just waiting to get rid of me.
Anyway, as we were closing today he mentioned that one week is for non-casuals and how about we just make today my last day. I had been expecting to work the rest of the week if only to help them out since they're always so pointedly saying they really need me for Saturdays. Oh well, their loss.
They get at least one application/resume each week or fortnight so I'm sure I'll be easy to replace. It'd be nice if they have all sorts of trouble now that I'm gone and realise how good an employee I was but that's wishful thinking; I barely scraped by although I did work very hard.
Depressingly I am now unemployed again but that's my own doing. At least I won't be entirely miserable most of the time. I might call the temp agencies again and tell them I'm available. Don't know if anything will come of it but why not. I had been hoping to use this last week for a bit of a float fund for the interim. Nevermind. Guess buying those DVDs wasn't so wise after all.
Got an email already that they've been shipped. 2 to 7 days postage which is great news. I'll need something to pass the time.
They turned down my request for payment for the 3rd and 4th October quoting "you don't get paid for trial days" which I'm fairly certain is illegal so I asked if he was sure and he was. "Okay then. I'll check things up on my end but otherwise thanks." Did the old "thanks for the opportunity" drivel. He couldn't get rid of me fast enough, I think.
Will call the Dept Industrial Relations or derivitives, tomorrow. I could have gone down to see my brother after all but flights are now $400 each way. Ouch. I'll just house-sit.
I'm hoping for a decent night's sleep tonight. I haven't been sleeping all that well with issues about work both customers complaints and also the notion of confronting the boss about leaving. Maybe that'll continue until I find out if I need evidence before I can pursue my trial lack of pay.
So, essentially that'll be the end of me whinging about work... at least until I get another job.