In celebration of Burns Night in the UK (and quite possibly elsewhere) this is a drabble originally written for
tolkien_weekly When Bilbo first came to stay at Imladris, he brought his mother's recipe book - and treated the elves there to a few special heirloom dishes. The original prompt was for Nausea/Vomitting
“This is a very old recipe,” Bilbo explained as he put the dish down. “My mother had from her mother, who got it from hers, who got it …”
“An old recipe indeed,” Elrohir forestalled him quickly. “But what is a haggis? I have never seen one. Is it native to The Shire?”
Bilbo chuckled. “I’ll explain. But taste it first!”
Elrohir tried some. “It is very good,” he agreed, taking some more. “What manner of creature is it?”
“It’s made from oatmeal, and a sheep’s heart, liver and lungs, all wrapped up in its stomach … Elrohir? What’s wrong?”