I've just got back from watching The Battle of Five Armies. All I can say is: Brilliant!
For the first time my local cinema had a midnight screening, preceded by the two previous films - but as I was up at 6am for work yesterday, it would have meant a very, very long day!
I don't think any spoilers follow, just my own thoughts and impressions, but I'll put this behind a cut just in case.
I loved it. It was by far the best of the three films, I think. Lots of action, and none of the slapstick comedy of the first. There was some great action from Elrond and Thranduil! I still love Thranduil and his elk, and he was mostly portrayed better than I'd feared. There was a great scene towards the end which was a perfect set up for the future and Lord of the Rings.
And there's more, so much more; but you'll have to see it for yourselves!
And I want to see it again already!