I dont like quizzes but they make it so i dont have to type alot, and i actually find this one interesting. Although no offecnce but theres very few people on my LJ that would now all of these, except for probably daniel the tans but i thikn everyone, EVERYONE should fill it out
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2. Where did we meet?:mr.smiths grade 6 class
3. Take a stab at my middle name..:cameron
4. How long have you known me?:sincec grade 6
5. How well do you know me?:um...used to very well, not too sure now
6. Do I cry at sad movies?you laugh your ass off
7. Am I a religious person?...no
8. When you first saw me what was your impression?:he can blow ballons up with his nose...awesome
9. My age?:16
10. Birthday?:october 1
11. Do I have any siblings?:no
12. What’s one of my favorite thing to do?:gaming
13. Do you remember one of the 1st things I said 2 you?: no clue
14. What’s my favorite type of music?:old rock?
15. Am I shy or outgoing?:prolly a mix of both
16. Would you say I am funny?:definatly
17. Am I a rebel or do I follow all the rules?:...with recent events rebel lol
18. Do I have any special talents?:art...damn you lol
19. Your name is:geoff
20. Name my best friends:spencer,phil,dan,cody
21. Describe some of my life dreams:...
22. Describe event that occurred in my childhood:poison ivy in the eye while having pink eye!
23. Which of my physical features am I least happy with....
24. Describe, in some detail, the home environment in which I was raised:funny dad
25. Quote three things I say to YOU that I say to no one else in this world: (keep it clean)(i dont care hah):...
26. What I consider to be the greatest loss in my life.kaluha?
27. which part of a restaurant menu i'm likely to look at first?...seafood
28. If i suddenly inherited a decent fortune what would i want to do? horde up for years before deciding what to blow it all on (like your bday money for how many yers you saved?)
29. What are my 3 most favorite movies and rock groups? gladiator, lotr,deliverance lol, pink floyd, and insert two bands here
30. Could you tell in detail what your first reaction was when you met me? he can blow ballons up with his nose...awesome
31. If I could eat one thing for the rest of my life, it would be:lobster
32. Would I rather be too hot or too cold?hot
33. What kind of house would I like to have in 10 years?...
34. What songs would remind you of our relationship?...
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