Aug 16, 2006 01:38
i just finished watching "a lot like love" with ashton kutcher and that brown haired girl. i guess i'm into the whole romantic comedy genre at this moment and this movie wasn't half bad. suprisingly ashton kutcher played a role that didn't involve being a total idiot, so who knows maybe he's expanding his horizons?
it's been a long day and start back to work tomorrow with a "professional day". i'm half-contemplating on just sleeping in and enjoying the last real two days i have left. but as we all know. $ is $.
i was in chico this morning and found that my left ulnar nerve below my elbow has lost some of it's whatever it's supposed to have. nothing major. but there has been a change from the tests ran a year ago to know. it's been 87 days with burning and numbess in two fingers, so the dr. myers and i made an executive decision to just slice it open, move the nerve, and hopefully end the nonsense. it'll be slightly more invasive than the carpal surgery since it will be at the elbow and it involves the actually movement of a major nerve. but it's a short procedure, 1 1/2 hours. at least i'll get some rest while under.
and finally, the story of all stories. not really. i had to get gas AGAIN. i try not to go past half a tank because i may shit myself if i have to pay past $50.00 at the pump. $35 for half a tank will due. i went to the "station" and saw my kung fu insructor/gas station boyfriend. he was wearing a black wife beater that showed off arms that made me slightly weak in the knees. (and you thought the eyebrows did the trick). and so after i got my change he then proceeded to tell me about his martial arts company's website and wanted me to check out a training video. i asked him if he had myspace and he said he did but hadn't been on in forever.
so again there seemed to be flirtation. so i went to the kung fu (i really can't believe i'm writing this) site and then, did a search for him on myspace. bam. last log in august 2005. i scrolled down to the "orientation" section. at least hoping it would be empty.
there really should be a name tag system in place. "Hi, I'm _________ and I like penis. Or I'm thinking about maybe liking penis."
problem so easily solved.
anyway. i'm still going to get my gas there and who knows maybe end up with ralph macchio as a friend.
maybe he read my blog on gastric bypass and wants me to become a member first. if i had arms like that and did some of the "exercises" i saw pictures of...jesus
fuck. sign me. i'll do the flying crane.