(no subject)

Feb 21, 2006 22:09

On September 27th of last year I mentioned the sudden death of Fred, Ilse's boyfriend. A few days later we went to his funeral, where we met Ilse, his parents and every one else involved. His mother, Ilse and some of his friends speeched about Fred's wonderful personality. This weekend we learned there's a whole lotta stuff going on that just isn't right at all.
Fred's always said he was the only normal person in his family, but since I'd never met them until July 2005, I just considered that funny. It now appears that he couldn't have been more serious. Even though Fred's mother's speech included a warm welcome towards Ilse, both of Fred's parents ánd his sister have been neglecting Ilse in every possible way ever since Fred passed away. They just don't wanna know her anymore. All they think about is themselves, in the most materialistic way possible. They're only focused on Fred's belongings. In fact, the other day Fred's parents and sister parked a van right in front of the house, rang the door bell in order for Ilse to open the door, and told her right there and then they came to collect. They want to have it ALL, including the house they'd both been paying for, and since Fred and Ilse never had their relationship acknowledged on paper, that also includes Ilse's stuff. They said "they're entitled to" (which is true, legally). Even though the majority of the mortgage's already been taken care of, the parents only allow Ilse to stay at the house if she's willing to cough up the complete current value of the property, which is twice the amount they bought it for. That's evil. Even Fred's friends, who go way back, went over to the parents to try to convince the parents their behaviour towards Ilse just isn't right. The only result this visit had was something along the lines of: "so now we really know what kind of friends Fred hung out with." They were simply sent away in order to never return again. That's just cold. And to top it all off: apparently the parents already have up to a million Euros on their bank account, so it's not like they really need the cash.
Ilse's now suing Fred's parents for the money she spent on the house and Fred's funeral, which she's financed herself (!!). Because "she's entitled to" (which is true). I hope she's getting everything she's going for.


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