Alright! Sleep is for suckers!

Jan 31, 2007 03:44

So, maybe it's just all the guitar hero lately (oh shiz, someone named Jeremy can play hard mode now), but I really want to actually start up an effing band. I mean, aside from the completely rampant laziness in my home group of friends, I don't know how it hasn't happened yet. Most of us have some musical skill (myself excluded, unfortunately), we all have a lot of inspiration, we all have a lot of soul, we've all talked about it at some point, why don't we just fucking do it? I mean with Russell writing music, me writing lyrics, Morgan/Tonianne bustin out the guitar, Laura/Alex doing vocals, Russ on bass, I'll even actually take fucking drum lessons. Dan can even cameo with piano shit, and I only say cameo because I assume he's going to be too busy to be here full time. Liz too. Hell, we could probobly get everyone involved. Sean for token Bass appearances, Danielle can write up lyrics too, Becca for singing and the sort, and Peter to stand up on stage with a fake mustache and just stare at the audience (it's a 'The Man Mustache The' reference, ask later), or shit, Peter can take up some random goddamn instrument, like pan flute. We'd need a gimmick. I mean, c'mon, if we actually do some personal work on our own until like, Summer, and start it up then, we can definately pull some shit off. I really mean work, not just talk about it.

And I know we've talked about this stuff before, and I know the general consensus on bands, rock operas, arcade machines, and anything that really takes an ounce of persistance is "You talk about it and it's never going to happen" but fuck, I'm tired of that. If there's anything getting close to my college friends lately has taught me is that there is no point in not doing what we want to, with what we've been given. Life is too short. Laziness isn't an excuse anymore. We can't constantly blame our lack of attention on our high IQs anymore. I finally want to do something worth doing. I'm tired of stewing in my potential. And I fucking mean it this time. If this doesn't happen, something else will. We have to do something besides playing video games and blowing off schoolwork all the time. Life is too goddammed short.

So who's tired of this cycle too? Who's tired of wasting the gifts we've been given? Who's fucking with me?

PS: You know, it took this entry for me to notice how much I curse.
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