You Are From the Sun
Of all your friends, you're the shining star.
You're dramatic - loving attention and the spotlight.
You're a totally entertainer and the life of the party.
Watch out! The Sun can be stubborn, demanding, and flirty.
Overall, you're a great leader and great friend. The very best!
What Planet Are You From? THE VERY BEST!
Hallo guys, how are you doing? i am very well, just sitting here in my underwear...listening to music...and filling out my Journal as i haven't in a long long time.
So whats new in my life?
HMmmmm....i am soo happy. things are going so well up here...i am kinda letting the homework pile up and i don't have much time to do it...but meh i will finish it no problem! its pretty cold here...we went to the outpost tonight for dinner and well, its fucking cold, but i bought a winter coat, its a very odd feeling for me, as i haven't had a winter coat in a long long time. It goes down farther then my black jacket so i am not used to it always touching my bum.
this weekend was fun, Bronson, Sheri, Mandi and Floyd and I went to see Harry Potter and it was very good, but very intense. and then we got baked lol, and then saturday we went to Armani's and i wasn't overly drunk so it wasn't like an amazing time, but with who i was with i couldn';t have a bad time. :) Bronson was sick all day sunday tho, i had to look after him, but i had no problem spending time with him lol.
This weekend coming is Formal weekend, and as breanne is not here, i shall be taking my dear neighbour Julie, she is wearing a really pretty sexy black dress and its gunna look awesome on her, and then there is me lol, i went to Value Village and bought a dark dark dark blue suit and a lime green collared shirt for underneathe and i am hoping it will be dark enough so you can't tell i am wearing blue and her black lol. gotta be fashion conscious. i can never spell that word...ha never mind i spelt it perfectly lol. but anyways on my trip around value village i found these perfectly matching shoes to my green shirt, so i bought them for Julie to wear lol, and no one thought she would but when i showed her she was soo excited and being the most amazing person i even found the right size :) and buoght her a matching green necklace lol...its gunna be fun
and also, i am getting married on saturday! and me and Julie are gunna get sooo drunk off champagne! Yes!
i don't liek champagne but for a wedding, its a must i think.
anywho i am sooo tired and ...yea tired. lol so i am gunna go!
Later Fellas!