oh hello there!

Oct 07, 2018 09:02

so you've probably all realised that this journal is just a place for me to put up random downloads, gif dumps and write my fics which have been just collecting dust since i havn't updated them...feel free to add me here, but i probably won't add back since i don't use this account for actual blogging.

so i've recently decided to make the big move from blogger to lj YAY~ I thought for ages whether I should keep the name jay_ed and use that as the username of my lj blog. But then i've decided that I've outgrown the name. (I will offer virtual cookies to whoever can guess the meaning of the name. Hint. it is in no relation to the singer JAY'ED)

i can be found at geojitmaliya. My blog posts there are mostly going to be friend-locked, but i'm always open to accepting new friends :D So if you think we have enough in common to be friends, please go leave a comment in my welcome post and add me ^_^

*welcome post

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