The souvenirs~~~

Jan 01, 2010 23:03

Heh. I didn't actually buy much. Only a couple of items.

Click-click! )

holiday, art: college, vacations: melbourne

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spicyasparagus January 6 2010, 06:14:49 UTC
I approve of your keychain selection! Although for me, it would be nicer if the tree logo was the keychain plushie instead, it's SO cute! *huggles tree*

What are the other Boogies keychains like? Is this one meant to be a striped parrot, or is it like a voodoo animal hybrid thing? 8D

I WANNA GO TO YOUR COLLEGE FOR THE CANDY! Does it taste as nice as it looks?

XD, your sour sweet cravings. =]

I love looking at the packaging! Ours seems so bland and dull after a while, so international sweets and their wrappers facinate me muchly. The contents though, not as much as fries, but still. XD (sorry for the 'blasphemy' of sweet things! XDD)

I love how your centaur came out! How did you get the whole thing to look like something from a data file in a computer? I assume you came up with the background story as well yes? Very well done, I'm taken in! =]

One thing kinda jumps out at me though. As much as I adore how the robot version of a centaur looks (all clean sharp angles and shiny metal plates!!), you DID mention that its (his?) function is a battle robot right? It's obviously equipped well for defence, but attack-wise, isn't it a bit lacking? Only one laser gun at the end of its tail, as far as I can see...

Aw, why aren't you happy with the transport vehicle? I think it looks pretty awesome! (The escape pod's kinda cute! 8) )


jay_ay90 January 6 2010, 13:30:06 UTC
Haha, the smiling tree, yes! XD It's actually a penguin, since Aussie's the only other country to have penguins aside from Antartica. They have koalas and kangaroos too, but somehow they're not as cute as the penguin.

The candy's pretty good! I won't say it has a very unique taste or something, but it's worth the money lah.

About my robot, yep, he's a battle robot and haha, I did realise he has very few weapons to attack with but I just couldn't come up with a good weapon design. Did you notice that his forelegs are of a predator's rather than a prey's? Compare the forelegs of a lion and a horse, for example. The way the joints bend allows the robot to charge the victim and, well, use its talons thingies I guess? That was my flimsy way out of the whole weapon thing lah. XD

The data thingy look is due to the font I used I guess...? XD And I'm glad you liked the background story, since I actually just typed it out on a whim after a huge mental block. XD

Heh, I don't think my transport vessel looks cool enough... It doesn't have the edginess to it that I see in guys' works (darn it, why do guys find it so easy to design cool robots and stuff! T___T). HAHAH THE ESCAPE POD. XDDDDD


spicyasparagus January 13 2010, 15:47:43 UTC
Oh RIGHT, penguin! Er duh, hence the black flippers. Now that I noticed them...the flippers! asjdhakj CUTE MUCH?? XDD

I didn't know Australia had penguins! That's a pretty cool bit of info. Yeah, also probably doesn't help that there are so many koala and kangaroo souvenirs all over the place...they're nice, but it's kinda overdone, you know?

Oh hey, chicken-scratch!centaur! XDDD

(I don't seem to be very observant these days. >< )

Yeah, I get what you mean. Would have liked it to be more Terminator-ish, but I like the fact that you used some Greek mythology in your design. =]

Yeah, likely it's due to the font. XD ...but the layout, double lines round the sides with curved edges, everything about it is nicely presented. I wouldn't have guessed! Sometimes it's easier to just go 'forget this, I'm just going to write out something' and just let it all out. Glad it worked for you! =]

Well, I think it's cool. YES TOASTER!ESCAPE POD. XDD


spicyasparagus January 13 2010, 15:53:23 UTC
Er, realised I didn't really clarify what I meant re: lack of attack in your robot design. I don't know, if you were to make it more 'deux ex machina' then it probably wouldn't fit with the sleek body of the centaur design, you know? So it's a sacrifice in a way, and I like the fact that you used the centaur, so maybe it can't be helped? >< =]


jay_ay90 January 15 2010, 06:42:10 UTC
I didn't know penguins existed anywhere aside from Antartica. XD But they're really small and cute, nothing like those Emperor Penguins. XD And I agree about the koalas and kangaroos. I'd rather get an echidna or a platypus if possible.

Haha, to draw at the level of Terminator or something like it is not possible at my level (and I'm not crazy enough about robots to do research! XD)...

Well... I think Mr.Whales was also a little surprised/disappointed that I didn't go with a weapon design since the robot looked quite bare. Butbutbut I hate drawing weapons! My idea of a gun is two rectangles joined perpendicularly at the edges with a crosshairs thingy on top. XDDD

And, erm, do forgive my lesser-English, but what do you mean by the 'deux ex machina' thing? I checked Wiki for the meaning but I still don't really get what you're trying to tell me. :P >_<


spicyasparagus January 15 2010, 15:08:45 UTC
Birds of a feather, huh? Aww echidnas. X3

Nah, not expecting you to anyway - was a bit of an exaggeration on my part. But hey, you kinda get my meaning about the bloodthirsty attacking robot anyways. And who knows, in the future you may be able to produce a 'Terminator'... ^-~

XDDD, your guns. XDDD

My English isn't very 'powderful' either (it's 'deus ex machina')! I'm not really 100% sure either, but what I meant was like some machine that people will look at and go like 'O_O I'm-dead-it's-the-end-of-the-world' kinda thing. Really huge and the epitome of destruction, basically. Just stops everything in its tracks due to its monstrosity. >< XD


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