My maiden meme (Oh look, alliteration. XD)

Nov 14, 2009 02:19

I have been tagged by viewfromnowhen! My very first LJ tag, haha. How sad is that. XD

FIRST: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.

SECOND: Tag eight sexy people. Don't refuse to do that like a pansy. Unless you really don't want to of course. And if you're not tagged and you want to do it, then do! This is absolutely not tactful to one whose LJ is read by a maximum of 3-4 people only. I got tagged by one of said people, and I dunno if the rest want to do this. So whoever wants to do this, go ahead. XD

Who sleeps in bed next to you?
Most of the time, my younger sister. Who sometimes drapes her arm or leg over me and makes me push said limb/s off irritatedly. XD I don't like anyone touching me while I'm asleep, somehow. So I guess that makes it rather complicated were I to get married in the future. XDDD

What did you last eat?
Uhhh. It's 1 am now, and what I last had was dinner at 7.30pm. I guess the absolute last bite of food I had was ginger chicken. How boring. XD

What kind of books do you read?
Always fiction (not counting manga XD), though there are the very occasional times I've picked up a non-fiction. Genre-wise, I love books that veer toward the fantasy the most, though I'm completely fine with a good/decent/average chick lit, sci-fi or drama novel. It mostly depends on whether I find a story interesting, and whether I like the author's style of writing. Of course, pretty covers and fonts really help too (I love books with small-ish body text, they feel more classy XD).

If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?
This is hard to answer, given the fact that it's 1.15 am and currently the place I want to be most is my comfy bed. In other situations when I'm well-rested, I'd choose Europe. :P

What's really creepy?
My imagination. XD

Name one odd item within five feet of you.
Hmmmm. A cheap-looking neon-pink toothbrush, still attached to a box of toothpaste? XD

What's your current fandom / obsession / addiction?
THIS IS SO, SO, SO HARD TO ANSWER. Currently I haven't the time nor the energy to spend pursuing any of my many fandoms/obsessions, but in other cases I guess it's Artemis Fowl, the Robin Hobb trilogy set, or Fullmetal Alchemist (no time to watch it, gah.)

What did you really want to do today that you didn't?
I should have chosen another day to do this tag, since there's not much to be excited about in my life currently. XD Oh wait. I wanted to eat something special today (maybe fast food, since I don't get many chances of having them for meals), but budget and time constraints didn't allow me to.

What are you most excited for?
When is the next Artemis Fowl book coming out??? 8DDD

What websites do you always visit when you go online?
My email, friends' blogs, Hmm, not many websites I regularly visit huh. But strangely I find tons to do in those few sites. :P

What was the last thing you bought?
Printing service for my poster layout final piece. Such a necessary waste of money. :(

If you could have any pet, what would it be?
A very placid and sweet puppy/dog. I'm not too good with animals, especially those that are easily excitable. Mostly due to my fear of getting bitten/scratched. XD

Your past life: Tell me about it.
My life's too short to have anything really exciting happen, but alrighty. I've spent 3/4 years of my life so far studying subjects which have nothing to do with what I'm studying right now (I don't exactly use math or science... XD). All through my school days I've never gotten close (platonically and romantically) to a guy, due to my inability to start and continue conversations unless I'm close to a friend, which are mostly girls (I have the same trouble with girls too, actually.) My social skills are improving though, ever since I left high school. Also, I've known and believed in Christ ever since primary school, but never really committed until last year, and I'm still struggling with the changes I'm trying to make. And currently, I don't see the reason why people can get so aroused looking at the human sex organs, cause I've seen plenty of those already and I don't feel any different about it. XD Art school can make the naked body seem so boring. XD

What do you want right this minute, off the top of your head?
Catch up on all the shows I want to watch, though I have to wait till sem break.
Drink water.
Reread my novels.
Buy new novels. XD
Money to buy novels with.
Eat really nice food.
NOT DO ANY ASSIGNMENTS ANYMORE. Or at the very least, not having to rush to complete them.

Where is the place you like to return to in order to calm down / relax / etc.?
Somewhere quiet, for a start. Preferably with a close friend or two. Or with a good book. Or with my comfy bed. XD

How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll centre of a Tootsie Pop?
I've never had a Tootsie Pop, never seen it before either. So, a replacement question: What sort of fantastical device/service would you like to exist, and what for?
I wish that I can somehow connect my brain to a computer and clean up the whole mess of my mind. I'd delete all the trash and temporary files, add RAM to my brain (I desperately need more memory space XD), update the hardware to make myself more efficient, and install useful software (more language options would be VERY nice XD). And also, I'd be able to watch all the weird dreams I had but forgot upon waking, and check what are all the stuff I wanted to do but forgot to. What a lovely wish, sigh. XD

What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
Dear mysterious someone: Please take notice of me, thanks. XD

Are there any bits of childhood that you miss?
Probably the fact that I could be so carefree, not having to worry about what the future holds for me, not having to deal with people who have unhealthy habits that are affecting me, not having to care about places and directions so that I won't get lost (I still face immense difficulty doing so. I do try to pay attention to roads and stuff but my mind keeps insisting on being occupied with a random daydream. XD)

Say something to the person who tagged you.
It's great fun knowing you and reading about your life, even though we're half a world away! :D

Whew. I took AGES doing this. XD


lj: meme

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