"Oh why did I choose to be gay?"

Mar 28, 2007 09:49

I'm tired of people claiming that being gay is a choice. Most people who claim that know nothing of what it's like to be a homosexual, so it's easy for them to claim that it's a choice and that it can be "cured" or "treated." Not many of you might know this but I have known I was gay since I was twelve. It's not like I woke up one day and said, "You know what? Today feels like a really good day to be gay. I think I'll run with that and see where it takes me." No, I've known I was gay since I was twelve but I was very good at hiding who I really was. That hiding kept my true self from my friends. Sure, I might have been a decent friend back then, but now that I don't have to hide anything I can be a much better friend. My friends from Grand Blanc have all commented on how much happier I've been since coming out. Even Kendra has said that I've been more confident since coming out.

Hiding in the closet drove down my mental and physical health. Upon coming out my weight dropped to a healthy level and those pesky heart murmurs I was having the week before I came out miraculously stopped. I've become closer to my friends, I've become happier and I've become more outgoing. If there is any "choice" in this whole homosexuality thing, it's the choice as to when one comes out of the closet. Coming out of the closet is one of the best things I've ever done and I wish I had done it sooner.

It saddens me that people so quickly pass judgments about homosexuals without getting to know them or getting to know about homosexuality in general. People rely on stereotypes as if it were "knowledge" about homosexuality. "Oh, you're gay, that must mean you were molested as a child." I've had someone think that about me. No, I've never been molested in my life. It's true that some people who were molested turn out gay, but that's not true for everyone who was molested, norhas every gay person been molested as a kid. "You must be gay because you cannot find the right girl." That's not the case at all, although I have had some people think that. It's hard to find the right girl when you aren't attracted to girls at all. I tried dating girls, it didn't work so well. Not because the girls were bad or anything. They were quite wonderful people, in fact. I couldn't bring myself to be physical with them at all. I couldn't image being married to a girl because it felt so wrong to me, it literally made me ill. I can't find the "right girl" because I am attracted to guys, not because the right girl hasn't come along.

Seriously, people...if you have questions about me being gay or about homosexuality in general, please talk to me about it. Don't go off of wild stereotypes or what heterosexual people have told you about homosexuality (unless they happen to know a gay person first hand and are quite friendly with this person and have tried to understand what this person is going through). If you want real knowledge, come to the source, a real live gay man. My AIM screenname is Unrivaled Apex, and my e-mail is unrivaled_apex@yahoo.com. Don't hesitate to talk to me about this. I will be kind and understanding and help you as best I can.
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