Oct 16, 2005 15:06
This entry comes a bit late, as its subject matter happened on Friday.
Anyway, in New Testament on Friday we learned about "adiophora," which is a Greek word standing for something God neither commanded nor forbade. According to our New Testament professor, the way we worship is adiophora.
People can't say, "You have to worship this way or you aren't a Christian." Nor can people say, "You can't worship this way because that would mean you are not a Christian."
Yep, the way we worship is adiophora. You can worship as you wish and you are still a Christian. Which is funny, because I have been told by a couple people on this campus that if I participate in contemporary worship that I am going to hell. I must have missed that in the Bible. I think it's right next to the part that goes, "And Jesus stood before the crowd, lifted his rock fist, and said, 'Led Zeppelin rules!'"
So yes, worship in the way that brings you closer to God. You want all traditional stuff? Right on. You want all contemporary music? Good for you. You want to lose the liturgy altogether? Go for it. So long as we, as Christians, worship our sovereign God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, what is the harm?
Adiophora, people. Worship as you wish. Heck, even be against the way I worship. Just don't tell me I'm a bad Christian because of it, because that ain't right.