Sep 19, 2005 22:38
Devotions in Ruth dorm tonight were astounding. They touched me personally. Tonight's devos were about the path God has set for us. Neuman wasn't doing devos, it was our alternate SLR, Brett Grime. He talked about how in life we often go off of the path God wants us on in search for our own paths, but God always leads us back. I just sat and thought about my summer and all of last year. I really struggled with the path I was on. I thought the whole pastoral path thing was forced upon me by others. I thought I was only becoming a pastor to please others. I prayed about it, I told my friends, and I talked with my parents about it. And after all of that I was still more confused than ever. It wasn't until I talked with Pastor Weist that I decided to remain on the pastoral path, but drop the pre-sem program and get out of my religious studies major.
And recently, even that has changed. The other day I got an e-mail from Reverend Becker from the seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. He had heard I was struggling with my path and offered up some advice. He recommended that I drop the Religious Studies major and pursue something I would enjoy. But he also said I should remain in the pre-seminary program as it would help me on the entrance exam to the seminary. He mentioned other stuff as well, but none of it is entirely relevant to this entry.
So I have prayed about this the last few days, and I think tonight's devos was the answer to my prayers. Proverbs 16:9 says, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." This verse was used in my yearbook ad, but I really didn't fully graps its meaning in my life until tonight when Brett ended devos with that verse. I know my course now. I am meant to be a pastor. I was able to struggle through it and finally discover the truth for myself. I want to be a pastor. And now I am letting God determine my steps. I have decided to remain in the pre-sem program. I will be here 5 years anyway, so picking up Greek next year won't be detrimental at all to my time here. Alan said he would give me all his Greek notes and such over the summer so I can study up.
I am pre-sem. I am going to be a pastor. And this is the most exciting revelation in my life, even though it has been right in front of me all along, and it has been God's will for me no matter where I went on the path of life.