What a crazy week.....

Dec 18, 2008 16:27

I'm sure we all are experiencing some aspect of "crazy" these past few weeks with the holidays being fast upon all of us.  I can finally say that I am finished shopping for presents.  I exchanged an item at Modell's today for my nephew and I am all done!  I was never so happy, it's been a looong week already.  Now I have to wrap all the gifts :(  I started on some, but I have about 75% left to wrap.  I see late night wrapping (for the kiddies) and gift bags (for the adults) for many presents in the near future!

I've also been baking.  I've done about 50 dozen or so cookies so far.  I'm headed over to one of my girlfriend's tonight to do our annual Christmas cookie baking together.  She wants to put her kids down so we will not be interrupted.  As a result we aren't starting until 8:30 or so.  Thank God I'm off tomorrow because I'm not going to be getting home until about 1:00 in the morning.  It'll be worth it, we always have fun and it's a tradition that the two of us do together for about 15 years now.   Believe it or not, I'm still going to be doing some baking with my niece on Sunday, Monday I'm making Spritz cookies (I want them as fresh as possible for Xmas) and Tuesday I'm going to be trying out a Double Decker Pumpkin bread and Red Velvet Cupcakes.

After listing what baking I have left, I realize I have to figure out when to do some Rugalach!?!  I'll fit it in, somehow :)
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