Addicted Like Crack

Sep 17, 2009 11:08

Holey holey moley.
The emotional amusement park right this show has taken me on is ridiculous.

Good Lord.

First of all. Follow Crystal Chappell on Twitter.

If you don't have a Twitter account make one just because of her. Seriously it's that fantastic.

Second. Jessica Leccia. Jesus the dimples.

The clip that god me hooked on this crazy ass band wagon full of hotness.

image Click to view

Now on Friday TOMORROW!!!!!! They're leaving me. What the hell is going to consume my life now?

Oh wait. SARA RAMIREZ! No I didn't forget my Sara like Tostada! Don't worry. That addiction is still alive and kicking.

But wait! There's more Crystal and Jessica yummy news!


They're going to have an online series. Crystal is going to be an out lesbian. She's going to be ballin' end of story because she is Sergeant Sexy Eyes. Jessica is going to be her ex but they're going to be those ppl who have a million scenes together (hopefully) because no one can resist those dimples Leccia has goin' on. Whew. My body is exhausted.

crystal chappell, addiction, jessica leccia, otalia

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