Title: What Happens when you Watch Men in Black,Finish Writing an Update, and Go to Bed.

Mar 15, 2009 19:09

Title: What Happens when you Watch Men in Black,Finish Writing an Update, and Go to Bed.
Author: Jay
Pairing: Callie/Erica
Summary: First of all, let me say that this was an actual dream I had one night. I honestly thought that when I woke up the next morning that it was a real episode. This is what happens when you have a brain exhausted from finals, a love of Callica, and a random desire to watch Men In Black 2.

A/N: I know I've already posted this once on the Callie Erica commun. But I realized I never posted it on my own journal so I'm just reposting. Enjoy!

As I walk into the bar I was met with the entire cast of Grey's Anatomy. It would seemed as though it was like a behind the scenes type of meeting for their gang. The cast were talking about their day hospital and they were talking about the sudden way Dr. Erica Hahn had dropped off the face of the Earth.

"I just don't think it's like Hahn that's all I'm saying."

"Christina, it's not like you and Hahn were friends. She barely even let you do anything in the OR. What makes you think you know anything about-"

But right then at that momemnt Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones walked through the door.

"Some one's lost a um... a kid."

"This child is not a regular child he is how do you put it, special."

I, along with everyone else, was looking around for the parent in question. What the doctors of S.G. Hospital didn't notice was that Dr. callie Torres was walking towards the kid and looking down at the child in question who had suddenly appeared beside the older white male.

"Adam is that you?"

Suddenly the child with sandly blonde hair transformed into a scaley green child with curly dark hair. With a smile he began speaking a language unbeknownst to any of the doctors behind her.

Every one was looking at Callie with shocked looks on their faces.

Before Callie could say a single word a chorus of,"Callie what the hell?" and "When did you get a kid?" rang through the small bar.

At that moment, in a furry of blonde hair,none other than Dr. Erica Hahn herself, came flying through the door.


I however yell out strongly,"Oohhhh! Totally saw it coming."

Erica goes over to 'Adam'.

"Why did you run away from mommy..."

"What the hell Erica?!"

"When did Hahn get a kid?!"

I watched before me as the story of how Erica came to have a child, who was clearly not human, unfold.

Apparently when Erica stormed off Callie went and apologized to her…


"I don’t know you at all.”

It took Callie all of three seconds before she ran after Erica. It took Callie by surprise when she finally came face to face with Erica.

“Erica, I’m sorry don’t cry. I… wait a minute all of this can’t be over what I just said. What’s really wrong?”

Erica looked up with sorrow filled eyes and took a deep breath before she looked at Callie and told her with a shaky voice,

“I’m pregnant.”

~* End of Flashback*~

Ever since that day, she was pregnant with the alien baby or something at the time and had to take all these special courses and classes on raising a bi-species child. That’s why she left the hospital in such a hurry. That would explain why Callie had to "pretend" that she was going crazy over Erica leaving when the real reason was because she was nervous over having an alien-child with Erica. Plus they couldn't just come out and say "No she left cause she's having an alien baby." Imagine how awkward and troubling that would have been.

The entire bar was silent for about five seconds before Christina made her way over to Adam and knelt down.

“Your moms rock the world of surgery.”

Soon one by one the doctors begin to come up and congratulate the two mothers and soon enough Mark was teaching the little boy how to throw darts while his mothers each had their own glass of wine.


A/N: Okay so there you have it. The flash back scene was actually just a conversation that Erica and Callie told everyone but I didn’t want to write it that way. But anyways like I said this was the craziest dream I’ve ever had. When I woke up I for real thought it was the real thing I almost called my best friend and asked her if she saw last night’s episode....there was even an explanation for Izzy acting crazy apparently she was an alien to begin with and Denny was just some alien that she fell in love with on her home planet and then cheated on him with Alex who was a human or something I don’t know it was just really weird and jumbled together but this drabble is what I got out of it hope you liked it!

grey's anatomy, fanfiction, callica, dream

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