Title: Braces Not Glasses 12/?

Feb 18, 2009 08:44

Title: Braces Not Glasses 12/?

Author: Jay

Rating: On the cusp of R

Pairing: The only one really significant Callie/Erica

Summary: Picks off after Erica walks of, leaving Callie in the parking lot at Seattle Grace. In my mind the time between Callie telling Erica she slept with Mark twice and the unwanted return of Denny is about a month or so instead of a few days or a week.

Disclaimer: Well obviously if I owned Grey’s the world of Callica would be a happier place because it would be Callica’s Anatomy and would therefore be Callica 24/7. Addison would also still be there and what not too perhaps. Izzie Steven also would have been eaten alive by sharks some how a few seasons back.


Erica was busy washing off the fruit that was going to be added on the side for the three of them for breakfast, while Callie was talking to her brother.

That dumbass had better not tell her that stupid cheerleader story, or I swear to God…

The thought trailed out of her mind as she realized just what this meant; the whole telling other people about the relationship that had been held secret for so long. Her mind drifted off to the moment where she knew this relationship was real, and wasn’t going anywhere.


Callie was still standing there. She couldn’t move. She wondered if Erica was still breathing. The blonde had literally said two words the entire time. Okay. What did that mean? What the hell does ‘okay’ mean when you’ve just been told that you’ve been cheated on twice.

Twice Calliope! You cheated on her twice!

Erica’s mind was following the same pattern.

How the hell am I still breathing? What do I do now? At least she was honest. What the hell does that have to do with anything Erica Jane?!

Erica couldn’t stop the overpowering voice inside her head once it made that point. It was on a roll.

She basically lowered herself down to the same level as George. Fucking George O’Malley, the same ass hat who broke her own marriage. What does that tell you about your relationship in her eyes?! Go on and tell her what you really think.

Erica opened her mouth preparing to yell at Callie and tell her what she honestly thought she was feeling. That’s right Erica, it’s finally your turn say what you really feel about this woman. It’s your turn to lead this relationship; you will not be hurt again.

“I forgive you.”


“What?” Callie's arm blindly reached for the chair next to Erica’s desk, the shock of those three words taking the air right out of her. Those three little words knocked her back to the short lived marriage she had with George. She…she forgives me? It was if those three little words suddenly shot through Callie's stomach as though they were a bullet. Her world quickly began to spin as she clutched her lower torso hoping to end the sharp pain now penetrating it.

Erica watched with shock as Callie grew pale at the words. Why isn’t she relieved? Isn’t that what I'm supposed to say in a time like this? Is she about to pass out? Why isn’t she breathing!?!

Erica shot out of her seat and went around the desk to kneel in front of the now gasping woman in front of her. “Callie, what’s wrong? It’s okay, I said that I forgive-“

The words were taken from her mouth as she watched Callie shake her head and allow tears to escape from her eyes, “No. No no no no no no. This isn’t right. You aren’t supposed to have to say that. It’s not fair.” Callie's hands were now on the side of her face as a way to try and shield her from the realization that had just come full force to her.

The only thing that was coming to Erica was confusion.  What did I say? Tired of trying to read between the lines of their relationship, Erica voiced her concern, “Okay, first you need to breathe babe, I need you to breathe.” Erica waited until she could see Callie calm down slightly before asking the main question that was now on her mind, “What did I say Cal?”

Callie opened her eyes and looked at Erica, “I'm George. I've become the horrible, cheating, and lying person in the relationship. I shouldn’t get your forgiveness. I know what it’s like to be cheated on. I know first hand Erica and I did it anyways. I didn’t even think about it did I?” Callie finally broke eye contact with Erica, as shame and guilt continued to find its way throughout her body, and seemed to look with realization beyond her, before looking back up at Erica. “I didn’t even think about us and our relationship. I didn’t think about our agreement to be scared together. I just went out and knowingly slept with someone else. How can you possibly forgive me after all of that?” Callie broke eye contact and tried to pull away from Erica’s touch that had some how wound up on her knees.

It was if Erica could see all over again. She ignored Callie's attempt to brush off her touch on her knees and instead went for Callie's hand and grasped them in her own, refusing to let her go.

“You’re not George. Not even close,” before Callie could break in Erica pushed forward, “Sure you’re the same in the ‘I had sex with someone else’ form, but it’s not the same.”

Erica took in the confused look on Callie's face and before she could even ask the question, Erica told her.

“You were scared. He wasn’t. He knew that you were insecure and sensitive about Izzie ‘the model’ Stevens, and yet he still was by her side. He was cheating on you from the beginning and honestly I don’t see how you put up with it for so long. In your defense with our situation, you went with what you knew. And what did you know? Penis. Sloan penis, but still penis.” Erica felt relief come back into her system as Callie slowly reached out to take Erica’s own hands.

“How do you know all of this? How do you-“

“It’s different from George, because George was never just friends with Izzie Stevens like you’re friends with Mark. Answer me this, if I told you that if you continued your friendship with Sloan, after all this, could mean the end of our relationship, would you stop being friends with him?”

Without hesitating Callie spoke up again, “Yes.”

“You were always second in the relationship with George, second to that friendship he had or still has with Stevens. You’ve already defended me against Mark, who’s one of your best friends and you defended me against Yang. Yeah that one counts, more so than you defending me against Mark, because we weren’t even together yet.”

Callie let out a little smirk as the conversation she had with Yang during Addison’s visit and what that lunch made her begin to look at new best friend in a different light.

“So you forgive me?” Callie looked at Erica with hopeful eyes.

Erica let her own smirk come across her face before reaching up and trailing her fingers along Callie's cheek, “Yeah, Cal, I forgive you.”

Erica pulled her in for a kiss and as their lips connected, a single thought popped into her head.

So… this is what love feels like.

(End of Flashback)

Erica shook her head to bring her back to the present. She had known way before that moment that she was in love with the ebony skinned woman in the living room. It was just that moment, with that kiss, all of her assumptions about what she was feeling were confirmed. She was in love with Callie. She dropped the fruit in a bowl and reached into the cabinet for the oatmeal and brown sugar. As she started the water on the stove, she reached into the fridge for something to drink when she heard Callie call out her brother’s name.

Dumbass….out of all of my brothers it had to be Eric.

She set the jugs of milk and juice on the counter and turned down the near boiling water before walking into the living room to relieve her girlfriend.

Girlfriend. Girl…friend.

‘Erica are you dating someone?’

‘Yeah I have a girlfriend.’

‘Hey Erica you want to go grab drinks with us?’

‘I don’t know let me check with my girlfriend.’

Girlfriend. Girlfriend…I’ve got a girlfriend.


A/N: Whoo okay. So there you go a little bit of view inside of Erica’s head while Callie and Eric are off getting to know each other a little better. The next chapter will be a breakfast kind of get to know more about Erica’s family type of situation. And we’ll get to the point of why Eric is even gracing Erica and Callie with his presence! Let me know what you think!

A/N2: Anybody got any name requests/suggestions for Erica’s brothers? I need suggestions because I have a long list and I'm having trouble narrowing it down. Thanks!

callie torres, braces, erica hahn, fanfiction, callica

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