Here's an official guild picture of when the guild was first created.
Max uses his assassin skills to stand in front of his relaxer.
Lol, Max died.
Nemi's a little nosy for my taste.
Max had to borrow my Jump Cape to make it. We stare at the losers on the other side. (JK)
Pingu and Prongs show their affection towards each other.
Woohoo, level 50 on 4/4/07. Sorry you can't see my face, it's being obscured by my SUPER SEXY ARROW BOMB DAMAGE.
Liana and not-yet-named Chilly make second job advancement. Archer Pride.
You know when you go on vacation, and they take you on tours and stuff and take your picture at all the cliche places? That's what this is. We owned Mushmom, but suffered some small casualties. Unfortunately, no Ilbis dropped.
HELP HELP, WE'RE ALL TRAPPED IN A BOX. I'm still trying to figure out how Sushi ended up on top of the stand thing.
That is all, kind sir.