i got the moves baybay.... you got the motion.....

Nov 12, 2003 02:30

today at work wasn't bad...

until around 10 p.m.... you see i woke up at uhhh 5 a.m. and hung out with my mom in the morning. got to work at 9.. meeting from 6-8 and then back to work until midnight. so that's a 13 hour day. but instead of going home to watch strokes, brendan was acting all sad like he wanted a friend to talk to, so we went out for shakes and now here it's 2 am and i'm too wired to sleep but need to be up in 6 hours. sigh.

but besides it being a long day. it was nice. i got word today that eventually (no timeline included... just a vague sometime) jan will be moved away from me. you have NO IDEA how great this is. yayyyyyy!!!

and now. for your reading pleasure. the creepiest story i have.
and lynne' 's genius plan of what i shall do with it.....

once upon a time in indiana, in the year 1989... a sixth-graded young girl named JULIA was struck with her first crush ever. a mr. jordan knight. ahem. from the new kidz on the bleezy. anyway. so smitten was this young lass that she made sure she was outfitted with the same BLACK JELLY BRACELETS and well. i won't go into more scary details. but well. moving on.... ahem. hahahahah i can't believe i'm EXPOSING THIS to more than LYNNE' and a few select others hahahahahaha. but anyway. yeah. i stole jordan's j. as in. i saw how he signed HIS j... like.. on autographed pillows you bought from the fan club or from the cheezy trading cards (hahahahhah) and decided... HEY! MY NAME STARTS WITH A J! ....

but the story doesn't end there. oh no.

because that became my signature like. forever since.


so yeah. i stole jordan's j and claimed it as my own and you WONDER why i'm so creepy later in life huh???/ HUH????? HUH????

anyway. lynne' might go to JK too on new years day. and if we talk to him.. (this is her plan hahahhaha) then i am to be drunk and inadvertently insult him while telling him the above story and then challenge him to a dance off...

a dance off.... for the j....

i'm keeping it ho. so WATCH OUT JORDAN KNIGHT!

ook. go about your business.... nothing to see here.
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