
May 28, 2009 23:08 uh yeah, random spanish/mexican likely-drunk guy on the front porch kicking the door and swearing at me/the door/the world/who knows. Not cool.

Particularly since when he started I was here alone.

Cate is home, he seems to be gone or at least not on OUR stairs any more, I have several weapons by the door and a functioning cell phone within reach, but yeah, that definitely took a good year or two off my life. *twitchmutter* For a while there I was convinced I was GOINGTODIEOMG as I had no way of reaching anyone and some crazy guy in front of the door. Then I remembered the internets, got Scott to call the cell phone I thought Cate had, discovered it was hidden here, called Dixon House, and by the time Cate got back there was relative peace. I guess hollering 'police' through the door a few times worked? *boggle*

So yeah, lots of adrenalin flowing now, insomnia whee... oh, and WoW is stealing my brain again. Only in tiny bits, as even being in WoW sets off my twitches after very long, but yeah. Erm. Nothing else of use to say, really. *sighs, goes back to hiding, and looking for more weapons to put near the doors*
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