Sep 19, 2004 00:12
Well I went to the Ani D. concert and I was slighty surprised to find that We were not infact in the 2nd row but in the 12th row. Kista misread the tickets and saw a 2 and missed the 1 before it altogether. Oh well they were still killer seats and we saw everything just fine. Ani is a cute spunky tiny little thing, you wouldnt know it from her voice though. she sounds six foot tall! I got a t-shirt with the richeous Babe records logo on it and some stickers for my *future* car.
The Concert was a rather subdued one, no standing until the very end and not alot of shouting or singing either. It was sort of acoustic with just her and her bassist. It was nice, she sang alot of new material.There were lots of cute girls there which was a plus. I had fun despite the fact that i had to pee really bad. I'm sure you wanted to know. ;)
I want to go riding tomorow, I'll see if i can find someone to come with me.
We ate at the laughing cat gormet buffet and tonight they had veal and maco shark, eww, luckilly they had eggplant parm so i didnt starve.
I think my belly button is comming untied or something, It hurts like a spasm right behind it, i hope i dont spill all my guts.
I'm having a energy crash, I was nice and energetic and as soon as i sat down at home i became slightly depressed and tired. Its strange. I think i need to go back on my hormone pill thingys, My mood is always good and constant with them. No severe ups and downs. Thats a good thing
I think i need a full nights sleep. I've been missing out only getting 7 or 8 hrs which i need 9 or 10. I think i'll sleep in tomorrow.
Peace Luv and Cute little witty bitty folk singers!