
Jan 29, 2013 16:37

I like word jumbles. You know, letters are all mixed up and you solve the word. I do not like when my life is jumbled. Well, it's not really jumbled. More like, I'm ridiculously impatient to find out what comes next. In general. That makes no sense. I AM WELL AWARE OF THIS.

When you're growing up, going to school, etc, you basically know what the next step is. After high school, college. After college, find job. After job is found... Well, I guess that's the hard part. You're an adult (technically) and the next step is up to you. YOU get to decide. Except I feel like I've sort of taken those basic guidelines, glanced at them, and said, "Fuck this, I'll do it my own way!" Which I'm overall happy with. I've done and experienced cool things because of it.

2005: Graduate high school, go to college

2009: Graduate college, go to Disney World for a year to participate in the College Program. I got to live in Orlando for 9 months and work at the Happiest Place on Earth. Yes, it was as awesome as it sounds.

2010: Find a "real" job in my field - I'm editor! Seriously, I'm paid to read stuff (technical training manuals). Not quite the "stuff" I had in mind, but with this economy, you can't be picky. Go to Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo (C2E2). Finally, a geek-worthy event in my home city.

2011: Go to C2E2 again. Cosplay for the first time as Zatanna. AWESOME. Move out. Go San Diego Comic Con. SDCC is the biggest NERD FEST ever. I LOVED IT. Also went on a cool trip to New Mexico to visit a friend (I went sledding -sledding!-down sand dunes).

2012: Sign up for online dating and try snowboarding in January. Seriously. All my friends at home pretty much met their significant others while in college. I dated a few guys in college, but nothing lasted. How am I supposed to meet new people if all the folks I hang out with are already paired off? I'm not exactly the "let's go to the bar and try to get picked up" type. As for snowboarding, I could barely walk the next day. Fun times!

Go dog sledding in February. BY MYSELF, GUYS. Because I'm young, single, and lame hip. And a little crazy. But it was seriously the coolest trip I've ever taken. If you don't mind the cold or sleeping outside and love dogs, this is the perfect adventure. I want to go again!!

Go to C2E2. Cosplay again. This time as Killer Frost. Tried using body paint for the first time Rocked it out.

Go to New Orleans in June for a friend's bachelorette party. NOLA was crazy fun, y'all. However, I did not come out the victor after a night on Bourbon Street. Felt like shit the next day.

Go to New York Comic Con in October. Went in 2009 and it was a great time. It was wonderful again.

Start taking mandolin lessons in August. Why? Because I wanted to try a new instrument. Used to play piano and saxophone. A string instrument is totallydifferent.

Take a class at night 2x a week for 4 hours/night after work. Earned a certificate in Digital Graphic Design. Because it's important to continually better myself, right? Or something like that.

In 2012, I went to not one, not two but -DRUM ROLL- SIX WEDDINGS. Kill me. Wait, they already happened so that's kind of pointless. Not including my awesome roomie and a handful of other friends, most of my friends are now married. I'm only 26. IS THAT NORMAL?? Why are we all trying to grow up so fast?!

So what's on tap for 2013? After a year of the online dating thing, I'm giving it a break. I met several nice guys, went on many first and second dates. Even dated two different guys for a few months each. But ultimately, nothing lasting. The important thing to take away is that I put myself out there. In fact, I'm still exchanging e-mails with one guy, so we'll see where that goes.

In two weeks, I'm going to LAS VEGAS for the first time. Just a long three-day weekend. Roomie and her sister will show me the town. Here's hoping I don't lose what little precious money I do have. And my dignity.

I'm looking for a part-time job in the evenings and weekends. While I'm not living paycheck to paycheck, it cuts close sometimes. But I like to have spending money for fun stuff, outings, and trips. Supplemental income would be greatly welcomed.

Other things to look forward to: C2E2 in April. ACEN in May. My next adventure will either be in May or September. I'm making plans to go to the Grand Canyon. Do the ranch thing and go whitewater rafting. Like dog sledding, BY MYSELF. Because these solo trips are sorta awesome. A personal escape and I learn so much about myself.

Otherwise...it's the waiting game. I don't know what's ahead. But since I'm a pretend grown-up or whatever, I get to decide.

random, real life

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