Mar 14, 2010 22:24

I haven't posted on LiveJournal in a year and a few months, but I was lured to LJ to take a look at someones journal. John Hefners to be exact, performer of The Hefner Monologues. I caught his show at the Rouge Festival here in Fresno. If he's ever in your area, make sure to check out his show.

So, um. Hi LJ people. A lot has happened in the last year and I suppose most of you have been keeping up with me in other ways so you know all that.  Quick version: Now residing in Fresno, California. Back in college full time. Turned Gameboard geek, bicycle rider, and crafter/artist (Well, the last one I'm working on, but if I say it enough it will be true). Living with my friend Joe (aka, MiddleClassJoe) and his two beagles Lulu and Rubik.

I mostly use Facebook these days (baa-baa) so if you're not already my friend there, make sure to send me a request! <3
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