Ipod, dating, and other crazy things

Apr 28, 2005 15:27

Yesterday I went to the park with Tony, Suzanne, and Jordan. I was soo much fun. Except it started raining so i got kinda grossish. But it dried, heh. Me and Jordan were supposed to be back at his house at 3:30, but we got there about an hour late, surprisingly his mom diddn't get that upset. Thats good :). Then we chilled in his room for a little while untill my mom got out of the final mediation meeting thing, meaning she is now officially devorced! (I suppose that is intended to be an exciting momment right?) Welll..anyways..apparently my dad somehow made it seem like he makes a hell of a lot less money than he actually does. That means the child support and such that comes to my mom is A LOT less then we expected. Whatever, we're not poor or anything..just more so than before i suppose. On the brighter side of things, i GOT MY IPOD YESTERDAY. The 6GB pink mini :)!! YAY. I already have 1300 songs on it, 200 more to go folks..anyone know some good bands? I'm so happy! I have the bestest brother in the world. (it was a early birthday present from him).
Today was pretty good in the begining. I got to bio, i think i did alright on the mini quiz, which is definatly a good thing. GOT ALL FIVE popsicle sticks before ANYONE at my table (hah i showed those stuck up smarty-pants bitches). Pish, and then they tell me when i have four "Ugh, its not fair! You raise your hand and guess to get it right, you should let the people that actually know the answer have a chance." Ok, Is it that hard to believe that i might actually know this stuff? Pish, after she said that i raised my hand on an impossible one and guessed "DNA" stairing her in the face just to piss her off. Yeah, have fun putting that 3 out of 5 in your average hun!! Yeah, then i drew some pretty pictures while listening to my ipod it art. I <33 art. Then at lunch Jordan gave me flowers!! <333 It's our one month aviversary. I was so happy, that soo sweet. yay. Then i waited in line to get my free ice cream from my award thing..cookie dough is the shiz. Spanish was pretty good, i diddn't do my vocab again..but i still think ill be able to get an A in that class if i really try. Then we went into math (which is usually a pretty fun class) and our teacher is rreeeeaaaalllly pissed off. Apparently the sub we had yesterday gave a really bad report (the like weird one with the keyboard) he said that some people were cheating (which they were apparently), and that we were disruptive, and left before the bell. Pish, so she moved our seating chart and made us take another test to go with the first one. This test was freaking impossible!! I remember i put "barney the purple dinosaur" and "the emperor of the golden llamas" for one. Prehaps i'll get half credit? Pish, yeah diddn't think so..school blows. I have my bio exam monday, talk about pressure, studying is hell. Bio is an even greater hell. I might as well just take it now..im not going to pass anyways. Damn.
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