...gawd finally!
Title: A Courtship of Fools
temperance_k Fandom: The Eagle
Pairing: Esca/Marcus
Rating: PG13
Format: mp3
Length: 24:34 mins
Size: 22.5 mbs
Contains: Nothing requiring content warnings.
Spoilers: End of movie.
Disclaimer: Sound FX can be found at
The Freesound Project and are made available for public use through the Creative Commons Sampling Plus Licence
Summary: Marcus means well when he gets Esca things - he's just not very good at it.
Many thanks to temperance_k for giving her permission for me to record this (and for providing an awesome title!!) and for the patience of my f-list cause this really did take forever to get done.
You can read the story
here You can download the podfic at mediafire