PODFIC: I Sing (R)

May 08, 2011 15:59

Title: I Sing
Author: sineala 
Fandom: The Eagle
Pairing: Esca/Marcus
Rating: R
Format: mp3
Length: 23:33 mins
Size: 21.57 mbs
Contains: Nothing requiring content warnings.
Spoilers: End of movie.
Disclaimer: Marcus and Esca do not belong to me or Sineala, and neither does Aeneid IX.427. Sound FX can be found at The Freesound Project and are made available for public use through the Creative Commons Sampling Plus Licence

Summary: The Romans have strange ideas about poetry. Fortunately, Esca is not a Roman.

Many thanks have to go to sineala for a) writing this beautiful story and b) providing a recording of the poems to help with my pronunciation. I hope you llike it!

You can read the story here

You can download the podfic at mediafire here

Up Next? FIGHTER AU! By tamerlorika  Which you can read here.

the eagle, podfic

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