Jul 26, 2002 04:50
I never realized how messy people can be until I became an usher. One person can single-handedly cover the floor under his entire row of seats with popcorn and not even realize it. In fact, this person usually also manages to cover the rows in front of him and behind him with popcorn as well. I can understand how the popcorn would get into the row in front of him as the floor is slanted downward so that the popcorn could roll forward. But in order to get popcorn into the row behind him, I think he'd have to actually be throwing popcorn over his shoulder during the movie. Maybe people just miss their mouth a lot when eating popcorn. Diapers are also really annoying. I don't know who changes their baby's diaper in the middle of a movie, but finding dirty diapers on the movie theater floor is more common than I'd ever realized.
I wonder if that is something that attracts people to movie theaters. Sure, movie ticket prices are high and the food is horribly over-priced, but unlike watching TV at home, you get to make as big a mess as you want, then you never have to worry about cleaning it up.
Anyhow, my left leg is sore. I suspect that it is from bowling. Can one get a sore leg from bowling? I don't really know, but I certainly haven't done any other physical activity. And I did have my own lane to bowl on constantly for two hours, so I guess that it's possible. My highest game during those two hours was 119. I think bowling isn't my sport.
That is all for now, however I don't work tomorrow, and I'm going to see 2001: A Space Odessey. That should be fun fun fun!