May 04, 2003 02:09
Well, I think the semester was just beginning when I last updated my journal and now it's over! It was my shortest semester ever, only one journal entry long. I ended up with an A- and four A's. Yes, that means I'm smarter than you are, but also that am pleased with my grades. Except for that minus.
Anyhow, I told whoever is doing my schedule at work that I have finals this week, but in reality I had them last week and wanted some time off of work. 19 credit hours is a lot of hours. And work is really boring. Well, sometimes it's fun; it's amazing how much one person I like to speak to at work can make work a million times more fun. I hate working alone, yet I somehow always end up doing things by myself.
Anyhow the semester is over. I hung out with my school friends, mostly Rob, Renee, and Jack, much more than anyone else during the semester. However now that summer is around, I don't know what will happen. Most likely I'll be sitting here on my computer playing video games. I like video games.
Speaking of video games, I got a new computer this week. I can't afford it at all, but I really needed one. So let's see, Mark owes me $290 still, and my brother is buying my old computer off of me, so that should give me some money... But then again, I also took out big student loans this semester, so I'm in debt lots and lots of money. Hopefully I'll be able to pay that off... I really could use a job in computers. I want to apply for an internship, but I've got no idea where to start. I certainly can't just drive down to Detroit and walk into buildings. One of my friends sent me some website that I can turn in online applications on. I'll try that when I stop being lazy. Also, my good friend Aaron has a job at Rite-Aid. I'm going to apply there just for the fun-factor of working with Aaron. I'd have to stay at Showcase, though, as well.
What else is there? Games? Well, I got Shadowbane, a super-fun game that I play every chance I get. Lots of fun, it is. I also played X-Men: Next Dimension for Gamecube for a while yesterday and the day before, since my friends wanted to play it before we saw X-Men 2 (a fine movie, I might add). I could go into detail about how Mark sucks with his leg sweeps, and about how Nightcrawler can defeat Fro as Juggernaut, but I'm sure these things are obvious.
Well, that's a summary of where I'm at right now... I need to do something fun. I don't meet enough new people. The problem is if I ask Mark and the bunch to do something fun, we'll probably end up at a dance club. And I can't dance. I don't think it's even possible for tall, thin guys to dance. Besides, I'm not going to meet anyone there, really. I could ask Aaron to do fun stuff with me, but I'd probably just get a blank stare as though I'd gone insane, then he'd kick me in the stomach. Rob from school might be willing... But now that I think about it, what am I talking about? Fun stuff? What the heck is that? I just want to meet new people.
I'll probably do what I always do, which is hang out with someone I met at work. This occasionally works.
Oh, let me talk about things that actually happened today. I saw X-Men yesterday with Fro, Mark, and Dave, and we went back to my house to play X-Men: Next Dimension. Well at like 3:30 am, Fro and Mark were leaving (Dave was already gone), and Fro's car wouldn't start. He tried to stop Mark, but Mark drove off just before Fro got to the car. So Fro knocked on my door and luckily I was playing Shadowbane instead of in bed. (Was there really any doubt I'd be up playing Shadowbane?) Anyhow, we jumped his car using my sister's Saturn, and Fro and I went inside to let his car charge up his battery. When Fro tried to leave again at around 4:00 am, his car was jerking around, so he turned around and came back to my house and spent the night. This morning we got his car towed to a dealership near me, then I drove him up to his house in Berkley, which isn't too far away, but construction on I-696 made the drive take a long time. If he his car got finished today, his roommate should have driven him up to get it... He needs it by Monday for work, and tomorrow they're closed, so I hope he got it. Mark was asking me to come over to Fro's a couple hours ago, I should have asked if Fro got his car back.
That's my interesting story today. There was work, which sucked because it was really busy and cleaning when it's really busy is tough. Also, I somehow end up cleaning alone with Randy on the busiest days. Now Randy is certainly a fine guy, but I don't like cleaning with only him. I think it's because he doesn't really have anything interesting to say to keep me awake; he doesn't really say much at all. But he'll say enough to burst my little daydream bubble that keeps me sane while I work and he follows me too closely. And if anything goes wrong when it's just the two of us, I take the blame entirely, so I'm always pushing him to go faster, and I feel bad doing it... Anyhow, today at work was frustrating. Oh, I got scheduled to work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday next week, even though I specifically requested that I not get scheduled all three of those days. Mike Byrd might try to work Saturday for me. I hope he does. During finals last semester Lisa was scheduling me Friday, Saturday, and Sunday despite my request, and I was getting really flustered and finally told her to stop doing it. Though I can usually never bring up the confidence to tell the managers they shouldn't have scheduled me to work those three days. Friday I'm working a double, too. Ack. I can only imagine what I'm going to get scheduled the week after this one, when Matrix comes out. Probably seven days. I swear, I'm quitting if I get scheduled more than five days next week. Well, we all know that's not true.
Anyhow, I think I'm done rambling for now. Next time, I'm going to focus!