Because it's Tuesday, October 18th

Oct 18, 2011 13:09

Because it's Tuesday, October 18th, I gave my 4 yo an ice cream sandwich after he finished his breakfast. He asks me for dessert every day after breakfast and I always say no. But today, he did a little dance with it and looked so cute, so I couldn't resist. So when I gave it to him, I told him that he was getting dessert only because it was Tuesday, October 18th; he couldn't have one every day.

Because it's Tuesday, October 18th, said 4 yo is laying down in his bed happily (at least I would be) napping. This doesn't happen often. I'm taking advantage of it.

Because it's Tuesday, October 18th, I'm actually going to take a stab at writing again. I've got a new ff idea that's inspiring me and I was going to hold of doing it. However, a good friend and a writer I respect, Jan of Arc suggested that I just start writing. Because once the muse is fired up again, the ideas for other stories will start to flow again too.

Because it's Tuesday, October 18th, and the weather has cooled off after our flirt with an indian summer earlier this month, I'm ready to give in that it's actually fall. The leaves are turning beautiful shades of yellows, oranges & reds. The photos below are from my yard.

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