Oct 10, 2005 14:49
One update every 5 months is good right? Since May i finished spring quarter with a 4.0 gpa, <3 humanities classes, then I had an internship at the prosecuters office where i learned how to operate a scanner, got to hang out dowtown with my awesome mother and cousins, read about crazy people committing crazy crimes, and got to experience Maury show like paternity test results first hand in family support :) working every day in the summer from 9-5 had me locked up, but i made a lot of money and avoided the seemingly inevitable day time tv and junk food addictions that would've resulted from a summer without a job. i spent my nights after work and on the weekends hanging out with david, (going for walks in des moines like old people,playing nintendo games on the modded xbox, seeing an impressive amount of movies at the best theatre ever; galaxy gateway 8, etc. etc.), and hanging out with james gifford and wordy, who're perhaps 2 of the coolest people anyone could ever meet. Now I'm back at school and I live in the forest amongst the hippies in a place called fairhaven. So far the food is delicious, me and lauras room is the cutest room ever, and i have seen 2 deer. I'm going to major in some business type thing, which will hopefully still lead to a tv related career that allows me to make lots of money. Anyway because of this education decision i am currently taking fun classes such as Macroeconomics, Algebra with Business Applications, Geology and Environmental studies...they arent the most exciting classes ever, so far its all good though i guess. Rachel and Julie: 1. I hugged cousin jim this summer...and 2. i miss you guys! i hope everyones lives are going well, and if they aren't, i reccomend watching Tyra and Ellen every morning. Gifford out.