speechless n misunderstood

Mar 19, 2005 15:03

wow, so my last entry blew up in my face a little bit, guess i deserve it w/e u want to think, sure.

but please, let me reiterate my point:

i didn't write about my friends hating me/me upset w/ them 4 blow off steam... i wrote it hoping they'd see it and see i wanna fix it and some of them realize i'm not happy with our friendship n fix it. i didn't know ne other way of saying it2 them w/o being a bich or sounding stupid, which i guess in the end either way it seems i end up in a mess.

the prom situation: i'll be honest, yea i asked matt, i'm sorry. but if you heard the whole conversation matt and i had maybe ud understand. the girl who asked matt, matt, or anyone else NEVER told me, i had no idea they had any intentions on going together. i brought it up to matt, and he mentioned her and i said nvrmind n changed the topic. he knows me well enough 2 know the conversation was going somewhere n i wasnt gunna lie. i said iw as gunna ask u but nevermind ur taken no biggie.

did i say "matt, dump her, go w/ me" no
did i say "u must go w/ me" no

why is everyone mad at me 4 asking? matt's a big boy, he makes decisions 4 himself. i had nothing to do with his decision.... why is everyone mad at me? i can't make him go w/ me, i dont even know if he is... that's not my decision.

for those of you who hate me apparently, thanks for telling it to my face. i wish if u guys had a problem w/ me u could talk to my face about it. if you don't want me around, that's cool. i can tell by the posts y'all go 2 JPT and know about that prom shit, so i'll chill w/ my bbyo friends, no prob. if u dont want me around that's cool. i'm not being a "drama queen" as u like 2 call it, i'm being honest. but ignoring me and then posting anonomously isnt the answer. tell me 2 leave n i will, no hard feelings... but posting like that n me not knowing who to avoid doesn't help now does it? if u want me 2 leave u alone thats cool but atleast tell me so i know who to avoid. i wouldnt ever put myself in a place i'm unwanted, so i'll leave. i just dont get y u chose live journals 2 tell me how u apparently REALLY feel.

j. giveon....... that's how i know y'all aint in bbyo. j stands 4 jak, my best friend, also known in bbyo as "1/2 of the jax" "jax's other half" "just jak" etc. he was just bein jak... if u knew him at all ud laugh when u red that. idk what his intentions were by posting that, but it backfired.

thanks 4 tryin jak, i still love you!

soooo in conclusion, y'all made some pretty nice assumptions of intentions on everything. i'm sorry 4 nething i apparently did 2 ne of u, but i cant leave u alone like u apparently want if idk who u r.

thanks 4 being honest tho, atleast i learned a few things about myself.
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