yay 4 staying home

Mar 08, 2005 10:01

didn't quite make it 2 school 2day, neck was hurting so i stayed home. mom said that dad's furious that i missed another day of school, but i'm going totell him the situation when he gets home n hopefully he'll ease up.

last nite i got in bed bc i had school 2day. my neck was really sore all day but it was tolerable and i tried to just keep moving it and kept either icing or heating my neck praying itll get better soon. when jax sleeps, she curls up ina ball basicaly bc my house is always FREEZING!! i must've moved it a little too much too far bc i got a throbbing pain in my neck... it felt like pins were bein dug in2 my neck and the pain was unbearable.:( my neck was piercing and my throat started to really hurt, too. i couldnt even swallow. i paniced and went 2 mom. it was around 1 am. i got what i expected bc shes a jerk"take motrin n go 2 sleep" u could be in ur death bed n she'd say that.... my body's like immune 2 motrin bc i take it so damn often. i put a heating pack thin on my nek again attempted 2 sleep, not succeeding for another hour. i got up for school feeling like shit. i couldnt move, my neck was still in a lot of pain. it was slightly better but that's bc i was laying down n hadnt moved yet. i woke up mom n she said go back 2 bed. she just called n is waiting 4 a call back w/ what time i can go c the doctor 2 make sure its ok:-/

i'm so overly frustrated its rediculous. i know this isn't my fault, but i cant help but take responsibility for it. it was MY program, im the REGIONAL N'SIAH(president), they were on MY TIME, in MY care, and i let this happen:( every1 has whip lash and i feel absolutely horrible. i'm glad that there was only minimal damage to everyone, but i still with there was none at all. i know i know, "it was an accident.. thats why they call it "an accident" but that just doesnt seem to be enough 4 me. i love my bbg's, theyre my pride and joy, and i let harm come to them:(

wishing i was a superhero and could protect my sisters from danger :-/
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