Remington Legacy Gen 3.3

Jul 28, 2007 09:53

Good lord, I've never had such a packed house before.  And Kendal still wants 2 more children.  That #@!##!

Stephen gets his creep on by watching his son and daughter-in-law sleep.

And, aw, Joshua dreams about his cousin Zachery.  I hope its just about the rousing game of cops and robbers and not something else.


Oh yeah, huh.  4 of 6, aka, Hayden Remington.  It becomes more evident later but he's managed to inherit Crystal's dark skin tone.  The black hair must be Kendal's.  Yay genetics!

I'm totally biased but I love this kid!

Did I know Hayden was going to spit up on Kendal if she tossed him in the air?  Yes.  Did I let her anyway?  Oh yes.

Joshua engages Dahlia in a lively discussion about aliens and how they use their tentacles to read your brain.

And clearly about how they turn you into a duck face while doing it too.

Sophia's birthday finally!  She looks so cute here, huh?

We take this moment aside to reflect on the outstanding parental skills of the Remingtons.  Aren't we glad they're going to make more?

Uhhhh.  Mono already?

Hayden grew into a toddler and I have to ask, Kendal, who ELSE are you sleeping with?

And Dahlia did too!  I think she's got puffy cheeks, personally.

At least she grew into that nose a little bit but she's got a funny kind of face.

Julian reaches the top of another career and thinks he wants to be a General next.  Since I'm all about collecting career rewards, I think I just might let him!

Sophia fumes about the SSX machine while making her parents bed.  Guess she didn't like the butt-kicking she got from her brother on it.

I don't know why I took this picture.  3 generations of Remington together at least.  Or the fact that Kendal is likely stalking Stephen for a game of punch-me-punch-you while he's taking care of her son or something...

In the meantime, I relent and let Kendal and her five-head have a portrait on the wall.

Senator Remington!  Screw General when you can be Senator!

Dahlia discusses the possibility of being the official heir with her parents, explaining how she's perfectly willing to produce future heirs herself.  Both Julian and Kendal sit dumbfounded, staring at her.

Hee hee, cute old couple.

I refuse to get the hack to allow more people.  They're keeling me.

Crazy old people alert!

Dahlia and Stephen have a jammy jam session.

Yay!  If only I'd remembered 2 were immediately going to college and waited to get Hayden in as well.

Old man Stephen plumped out his beer belly and I thought he's old and retired, I guess he can waddle around the house.  (Not long after that his wife Crystal also plumped up so I guess they're a matched pair now.)

Hayden sprouts up into a child ready for his first day of school.  He was so disappointed.

Joshua, on the other hand, pops into teen-hood and is totally excited about it.  And I *think* we avoided the dreaded bags under the eyes issue that the previous generation was cursed with.  Yay!

SSX is hard core!

Crystal makes the rounds of tucking in all the children one night.

I have no words.

Whoo, let's hear it for private school!

Whoo, let's hear it for public school!  Guess it's a good thing they weren't competing at the Science Fair.

It's beginning to look lot like college... everywhere I go...

They totally should rent a house with this kind of money, yah?

Because I'm an evil cow I made Dahlia do her homework so Joshua got to the computer first and moved to college first.  HA HA.

But she still managed to get her application in and make the carpool with Joshua.

Julian, of course, was unable to see his children off because he was out creating art (WTF I thought he wanted to be a General) so he was sad when he came home to find out they were gone.

Oh dear.  Well, it could have been a worse outfit, I guess...  Somehow.

Meanwhile, in the spare house, Megan keeps climbing the corporate ladder.  I'm struggling to get her LTW before she gets too old to enjoy it.

Mister Maxed All His Skills burns breakfast once...


And finally gets it right on the third try.  Could this be karma, Evan, coming to get you?

While Megan keeps plugging away.

What, baby?  It's as much a shock to me as it is to you, Megan dear.

Guess that makes it official.  Maybe by wearing the hat while preggers she can birth a smart kid...?

Pregnant or not, I made her go to work because she needed to get to the top of her career track and had not only the next 3 days off anyway but being pregnant she was going to be forced off.  So she took the family sedan and brought this home.  Thank goodness!

Zachery grows up into mini-Stephen!  How cute!  He probably will demand a more grown-up room now.

And that morning he leaves for school, clearly so squeaky clean he's trailing bubbles.

Megan meanwhile discovers she doesn't really have the figure for such revealing clothes anymore.

Finally (what, already?!) mystery-child decides to blow!  Megan practices her lamaze while the men of the house, of course, freak out.

Baby!  It's a girl and we name her Sabrina.

Zachery was scowling so much at the baby that I thought he needed to go downtown and buy a gameboy or something to distract him.  While there he saw his aunt, Kendal, and rushed over to say hi.  Silly boy, you should know better than to talk to Aunty Kendal about cooking or anything domestic.

So he takes it out on some poor Llama-uniform wearing girl.  NICE ZACHERY!

So while she's reeling from the random-stranger-noogie, Zach's all "Ooo, U R hawt!" and I just *headdesk*.

Zach:  "So, like, my mother just gave birth this morning, you should totally come over and see my baby sister and maybe come up to my room and see some sketches..."

Vynn (I'm pretty sure that's her name): "It would take you and a team of genies to get me over there."

(Actually, they're having a good conversation and this is his "game" face I guess.)

Later that night he goes out to throw around the old paper plane.  Ah, paper plane, old friend, how we love you.

Megan burns dinner.  How are you ever going to provide for your family this way???

Sabrina grows up and EEEE attack of the clones!  This family sure knows how to pass on genetics.

Cruel wench that I am, I immediately send Zach off to college to join his BFF Joshua and Dahlia.

Just too cute!  Evan's got to make sure she knows who the daddy is.

Aw, the baby is playing with her toys...

AHHHH, the toy chest is eating my baby!

You'd think they were all on a bus or something.

Oh, Maxis.  How you hate college students.

At least this outfit isn't so hideous (and my, doesn't Joshua look serious!).

SO what do we do?

Like any good BFFs, they share clothes.  =)

So!  Here's where its going to get crazy!  If Joshua is heir then I have to make room in the heir household for him.  And with Kendal's LTW, she's still got 2 puppies to churn out.  So the other two kids left behind right now have to move out or the elders have to die or both or something!  So there'll be some juggling around to do.


Generation 3.4!  Thisaway!

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Remington Generation 1 start
Remington Generation 2 start
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