Apr 01, 2013 23:44
SO yeah,
Now before you get all excited that I met someone and/or about to get married. I am not. Nor do I plan to anytime soon.
Storytime kids:
My friend Lounz and I have become fantastically close the past couple years. We go see movies, head out to the bars and spend the night at her house (in separate rooms). We also went to Vegas last May and I had the greatest experience of my life, the trip was perfect in every shape and form. That week I realize how awesome she is and how much I love having her in my life.
As a friend.
We hang out at a very frequent level compared to my other friends. She's got a great career and can afford to do many many things. I'm single and still at home with cheap rent. I too can afford many many wonderful things. Our other friends not so much, or for other reasons such as family commitments and the such. So her and I experience a lot together. People mistake this for romance due to too many romcoms they have watched.
I know I talk about Lounz a lot, unfortunately she's involved in pretty much all my stories about what I did the night before. She's single, I'm single. She works a 4 on 4 off shift unlike most of our mon-fri friends or Klipper who works at a restaurant (his weekends are bust) . I work at 11am and dont really care if I'm tired/hungover on a Thursday. SO we go out on a wends because she's bored at home and has 3 more days to kill before she goes to work again.
Some of my co-workers think this will evolve into romance. It annoys me a little because people can't seem to grasp that a guy and a girl can just be friends.
This relationship I've had with Lounz has also caused some jealousy. But that's another story for another time I think.
Oh, my previous entry is another short story. You should have a read.
Because it's awesome.