Jan 02, 2012 23:23


[Mart is walking door to door or down the streets with a number of business cards which read "MART VINEYARD: (BADASS) HERO FOR HIRE!" which feature a phone number crossed out, a new one drawn in for Mayfield, and a smiling picture of himself. He'll attempt to hand them out to you or any passerbyers and staple them to any posts.

Also, Mart has regained a black tank top with this symbol emblazoned upon it: http://symboldictionary.net/?p=1080]


Hey, so I got back a bunch of cards for when I was Hero-ing for Hire, and I realized: why not do it here? So I'm offering my services as a young, outstanding metahuman to any of you who need them!

You got problems? And I will solve them! Possibly with my teeth.

heroes, regains, mart vineyard, mayfield, oc

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