May 15, 2011 02:04

[Mart awakens, yawns, and then stretches his arms and legs upon lifting himself from bed. Drowsily, he walks past a mirror in his room... only to run back to it when he notices that one: This isn't his room. These are not his astronaut emblazoned pajama. He doesn't even have pajamas. And two: He's got flat, regular, human teeth!]

What the hell!?

[Mart examines the room further. Everything is all old and crappy, like the kind of stuff you'd see on the TV land channel. Which of course means, not cool.]

A. Phone (Public)

[Mart grabs a nearby phone and tries to call up his witch mother.]

Hey, mom!  Is this another weird spell to punish me?

B. Action

[Mart, not wanting to solve this mystery on an angry stomach, will walk outside, in his astronaut pajamas, and find the nearest available person to ask where is a good place to eat around here.

That of course, means you.]

Hey, buddy, where can a guy like me get his weight in burgers around here?

entry post, mayfield, journal, jacob, oc, hilarity ensues, mart vineyard, first post

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