I built it myself

Oct 15, 2010 21:56

CSN Stores invited me to review a bookshelf last week. It didn't take me very long to say "yes, please!" and put my order in. I'll have a full review of the process and shelf up next week (with lots of photos), but how awesome is that? A bookshelf in exchange for a review.

And did I mention, Pete's Vacation of Awesome included my cousin's wedding in which I was a bridesmaid? I had my hair and make-up done. I now think I should do that more often because let me tell you, I have never felt prettier. It also helped that I had Pete there to ogle me and saw my family actually look shocked (do I really look that bad on a regular basis?), but it was fun.

What isn't fun is constantly copy/pasting my reviews to post here in addition to Wordpress. I'm going to give myself a bit of a break and see how that goes. It was great not having to remember to do it during the vacation, though... If you want to follow my reviews, I encourage you to do it via the feed on the main page of Jawas Read, Too! :)
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