Apr 22, 2012 19:23
I haven't exactly been gone (I've been reading/following people, etc), but not exactly here either. Haven't felt much like chatting. Still don't, particularly. Life things I don't want to talk about right now and my imagination is singularly arid at the moment. But...
There are two things I need to say, so here goes:
1. Please, for the sake of your loved ones, make a will. Do not wait. No one is, unfortunately, too young to need one. And, while you're thinking about wills and the like, start making lists -- bank accounts, credit cards, things owned, loaned, saved. Websites you have log-ins for (especially for bank accounts and credit cards) and what those log-ins are and what the passwords are. We don't think much about this kind of stuff. We just go on adding more and more layers to our electronic life, and don't realize that someone else may have to figure out how to get into our accounts, cancel things, move money, etc. This might happen even if there's nothing so seriously wrong that your will is necessary -- all it might take is a couple of days in the hospital under sedation. Can the people you love see to it that your mortgage and utility bills are paid if you can't do it? Just... think about it. Write stuff down. Let people know where you've put all this stuff.
2. Please consider registering at Be The Match, the (US) National Bone Marrow Donor Registry. Donating marrow no longer has to require surgery. Most donations are made by giving the donor a drug that causes them to produce extra bone marrow, which makes its way into their bloodstream, where it can be removed in a manner similar to giving blood. Even registering yourself is easy -- no blood test, just a cheek swab, with a kit they'll send to you. There are no costs to you, ever. If you don't feel comfortable registering, please consider contributing funds to help keep marrow donation free. There aren't many easier ways you can save a life. Please think about it. Be The Match is at: www.marrow.org
Thanks, all. Public Service Announcements over.