Day 1 Writing Challenge

Oct 26, 2014 00:36

Day 1: Put your ipod or itunes on shuffle. Write 250 words inspired by the first and last line of the very next song that plays.
Song: The word of your body (reprise)
First Line: Come, cream away the bliss
Last Line: O, I’m gonna be your bruise

Oh man. This is a tough one but here it goes.

The bruise has faded but you can still feel the warmth of his body wrapped over your smaller frame. You picked up an old sweater - tattered and torn with memories of a past that you had yet to given up on - from the floor and wrapped it tightly around you. The tears that you have been holding back threaten to fall any moment now. Outside, you could hear the raindrops against the window, falling mercilessly. You start to rock back and forth, slowly than erratically, as your mind tries to will those treacherous tears back into your body. Your hand curls onto the fabric on the bed as your sadness turns into quiet anger and rage. You choke back the laughter stuck at the back of your throat. If only you could summon the energy to make a noise but no - you had nothing left in you. He, who has robbed you of your every happiness, was also guilty of killing every hope that had once filled every fiber of your being. It wasn’t fair. Yet you yearn to play the fool one more time if it meant going back. By now, you are gasping for air; like a mermaid out of water. It is almost comical how the world seems to be conspiring to take away everything from you. Your chest is tightening and you could have sworn that your heart that you thought dead was breaking again surely and agonizingly so. Not one word, squeak or squeal from you.
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