They froze it because apparently they matched it to my old account, which they had previously also frozen. This was mainly out of a stupid issue regarding idenitity clearing. If you are not able to match their requisites regarding suppplying them with the information they want after a certain time, they preemptively cancel your account with whatever money was inside, until you can prove them you are who you claim to be.
The first time around I wasn't able to supply them with a Social security number and State where I lived, even when I clearly stated to them that I can't produce that data since I don't live in the US. This also was after I couldn't give them a valid Credit Card PIN number, which is only issued in the US.
Ever since that, whenever they can link any account to my personal information, they freeze it. Which happened with this last one.
As of now, my father is going to let me use his own account to charge for my comissions. Since both our credit cards are ultimatelly billed to his name, his personal billing data is much clearer and this will make it easier to solve when paypal decides to pull their bureaucratic bullshit to me again. But I'll do my best not to use their system directly any more, if I can avoid it.
That really sucks, Jav. What is your course of action to getting your identity a little more cleared? Or are you out of options? I mean its infuriating to even hear that your out 200 dollars because of this. What was your dad's approach?
My course of action is finishing all my current comission load this week and start taking new comissions asap. I was going to take the rest of this month to finish them but right now it's not an option if I wanna stick to my schedulle.
As for dad, he is fully comprehensive about my situation and he trusts me enough as to give me all his credit and identity info so I can get a real, verified, fully working account to his name. He is title holder of both mine and his credit cards, so identity and billing address can be matched to him in case paypal wants to do their tantrum again.
I haven't called him to tell him about the 200 dollars though, since that happened this morning. We talked yesterday and I told him I was still waiting for those to get back at me so I could noah's-ark-them to Conf's account, who had agreed to send them to me from her account <3
As for contention, after some though I was thinking about selling some stuff to cover my losses. I have a bass-guitar and amp set that I haven't touched in over a year, and since I don't think I'll be going back to my musical roots any time soon, I might as well make em money and help this sorry cause of mine...
The first time around I wasn't able to supply them with a Social security number and State where I lived, even when I clearly stated to them that I can't produce that data since I don't live in the US. This also was after I couldn't give them a valid Credit Card PIN number, which is only issued in the US.
Ever since that, whenever they can link any account to my personal information, they freeze it. Which happened with this last one.
As of now, my father is going to let me use his own account to charge for my comissions. Since both our credit cards are ultimatelly billed to his name, his personal billing data is much clearer and this will make it easier to solve when paypal decides to pull their bureaucratic bullshit to me again. But I'll do my best not to use their system directly any more, if I can avoid it.
What was your dad's approach?
As for dad, he is fully comprehensive about my situation and he trusts me enough as to give me all his credit and identity info so I can get a real, verified, fully working account to his name. He is title holder of both mine and his credit cards, so identity and billing address can be matched to him in case paypal wants to do their tantrum again.
I haven't called him to tell him about the 200 dollars though, since that happened this morning. We talked yesterday and I told him I was still waiting for those to get back at me so I could noah's-ark-them to Conf's account, who had agreed to send them to me from her account <3
As for contention, after some though I was thinking about selling some stuff to cover my losses. I have a bass-guitar and amp set that I haven't touched in over a year, and since I don't think I'll be going back to my musical roots any time soon, I might as well make em money and help this sorry cause of mine...
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