listening to elmo on macy's

Nov 27, 2008 10:26

I feel all happy because of the holidays. Thanksgiving never really meant anything to me but recently I guess I've matured and realized how important it is to spend time with our families.

Things I'm grateful for in 2008:

Tiffany Smith, for being so supportive of me and always finding in her heart to forgive me when I screw up. Our nights where we watch TV and just be goofy or when we are really lucky and decide to go out to do something fun. Everyday I cherish having her.

My family, especially my mother for being so supportive of me and helping me get into school. I'll always remember the day before the test and interview when I was working on my guitar to get the stress out of my mind and my mom being super stressed with me.

That I've been lucky enough not to have anyone I know pass away. Although my grandfather on my mom's side and grandmother on my dad's side both suffered from heart attacks, I am very grateful they pulled through.

My friends, especially my band mates for helping me have my dreams realized. I was able to share some of the best times of my life this year thanks to them.

Hopefully I will always be able to recognize how lucky I am to have my health.

I've had a very good year with very supportive people in my life. This list could go on for quite long and get pretty specific but you get the point.

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