May 23, 2008 02:09
so i'm at tiffany's apartment right now and she's asleep while i'm using her computer. i feel like i need some rest. today went really well fixing up the recording. it sounds really raw, but in an awesome way. i was really surprised on how punk we still sound. when we wrote this record most of my inspirations were a lot of mainstream radio friendly bands like smashing pumpkins, rage against the machine, swervedriver and other cool stuff. so it was a nice surprise to hear how punk it still sounded. oddly enough all the songs that i thought were the weakest ended up being the strongest.
i'm gonna start a new diet. i've been hoping to cut a few pounds. i'm not overweight but i figure if i let these few pounds get by then sooner or later a whole lot more will come. really i'm just hoping to get in better physical shape so i can have a better state of mind. i'm gonna try this thing i've been looking up called the gracie diet. of course gracie is the brazilian jujitsu family. their diet revolves on what combinations of foods to eat together rather than what foods to eliminate completely. like you have the "A foods" which consist of fish, meats and other stuff. then you have the "b foods" which is a bunch of other stuff like carbs and certain fruits and vegetables. it goes on. but a combination would be like 2 "a foods" and 1 "b food." but you can eat as much of that combination as you want, but after your done you have to wait 4 hours till you get to eat again. tomorrow i want to eat a baked potato, a crap load of tilapia and probably a bunch of veggies as my first combination meal.
i love reading about bands going on tour, it makes me really excited about stuff. i wish being in a post punk indie band was as easy as being in a hardcore band. it's understandable for a starting up hardcore band to get on a huge bill with one of the biggest hardcore acts out there. for example no return is playing with verse and have heart this summer. in my opinion have heart is the most popular modern hardcore band in the world. however, on the other hand it would not be obtainable for a up and coming post punk indie band to play with the best and most popular band. like for example it would be impossible for dance of days to play a gig with mudhoney or something. it makes it really tough when trying to book stuff and trying to find people to rely on.
great news though is that we received a lot more preorders than i was expecting. crazy enough, all of them were from out of state and they weren't even friends on our myspace or anything. blows my mind.
spurs are probably going to play the lakers on the day of our record release, which will probably result in us losing all of our crowd. at first it bummed me out, but i'm starting to be okay with it. as long as 30 people are there i'll be happy.
i enjoyed this interview. The lyrics to the new Have Heart song are quite phenomenal and i felt very inspired knowing that a person could express such touching lyrics.