I just saw the Micheal Moore film, Fahrenhiet 9/11. I agree with president Bush's comment at the beginning of the film, "Get a real job." This man is someone who takes political mudslinging to a whole new level. First of all, He begins the movie by claiming that the presidential elections were stolen becuase Bush's first cousin worked on the
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1: "moore did not mean to come across as saying that bush won the election because of his cousin chose to list florida in bush's states won column. what he =was trying to say was that..."
Are you Michael Moore? How do you know what he was and wasn't trying to say? Also, are you saying Mr. Moore doesn't mean what he says? If thats the case, that clears up alot of things about F-9/11. The fact is in F-9/11 he said that Bush won the election because his relative at FOX just happened to put Florida in the win column which is completely ludacris.
2: "truth be told gore did win the election under every possible scenario"
What scenario are you talking about? I know you just got that statement from the movie. Moore gave no backing for that statement either. By every recount ever done, Bush won fair and square! Please educate me of these "scenarios"!
3: "bush ignored some of the warning signs, such as an august 6 2001 cia briefing titled "Bin laden plans major attack on the US " or something..."
What if Bush had done something about Bin Laden before 9/11? If on August 10, 2001 Bush invaded Afghanistan to get Bin Laden and the US succeeded and captured him. 9-11 probably would not have happened, BUT all the media and ignorant Moore followers would critize Bush for being a cold-hearted murder who invaded a country for no reason. What about after the 1992 WTC bombings? Clinton did nothing about Bin Laden! Was Clinton even aware of what happened? 9-11 CANNOT and SHOULD NOT be blamed on Bush!
4: "I believe that there is infintely greater fact in moore's work than fiction, not because i believe all i hear, but rather because i make it my business to digest all it is i hear, take it with a bit of salt and come to my own conclusion by checking the facts."
Well if you check the facts I guess you missed the fact that in the US military soldiers enlist themselves, parents don't enlist their children. Moore seemed to miss this fact as well, since he went around Washington asking members of Congress if they wanted to enlist their children in the military. Not to mention, no parent wants their child in the military. That was just another stupid move on Moore's part.
This is just covering the comments in your previous post. However, I would like to add a few more things that really stood out in my mind. Moore said that Bush spent more than 40% of the Summer of 2001 on vacation, however he forgot to mention that he included any time out of Washington as "vacation". Anyone knows that the President's job includes much more than staying in Washington! That was another deception on Moore's part. Also, he forgot to mention that according to the peace agreement of the Gulf War Sadaam agreed to destroy, and document the destruction of WMD that he clearly possesed at the time. Sadaam provided no documentation or proof that he had destroyed the WMD. That reason in itself was more than enough to invade Iraq. On September 11, 2001 Bush gave a speech. One of the points he stressed was that any nation harboring terrorists would be attacked. Iraq provided a safe haven for terrorists. I am NOT saying they were Al-Qaida terroists, but I am saying they were terrorists. I could keep going all night with the deceptions and plain out lies of Michael Moore in his "documentary". I would just like to say one thing to you Michael Moore "get a real job!", and to you "localburnout", I would suggest checking those facts of yours, they just might turn out to be fiction. Here are some sites you may find helpful to educate yourself: http://www.mooreexposed.com and http://www.georgewbush.com.
You read incorrectly. I didn’t say you were ignorant; I said your post was ignorant. Get it straight.
2: “supreme court ended the recoutn thereby ending the recount”
Yes the Supreme Court did end the recount, BUT that was after Bush had already been determined the winner of the recount. The only reason it was brought to the Supreme Court was because Gore and his sore loser democrats cried like babies.
3: “i will supply you with all the nessecary references if you choose to review them that were published in the miami herald…”
Here in lies the problem! You believe everything you read. Too many Americans are so gullible that they believe everything they read and hear. I am a competitive swimmer and have swum in high school for the past 4 years in the Miami area. About 50% of the “facts” that the Miami Herald posts for high school sports (ie. Times, placings, and even names) are incorrect. What makes you think their coverage on other stories is any better? If you had told me you read it on cnn.com or received your information from a more reliable source, maybe I would believe it. Also, you have already proven to me in your most recent post that you can’t read! (point 1)
4: “be willing to forgive the president…”
Forgive him for what? Saving 3,000 innocent citizen’s lives? That’s asinine! Not to mention that the liberal media would be bashing bush in every possible way, and since we already know the public is gullible and believes anything and everything they hear, Bush would not have been “forgiven”, or as correctly stated justified. We have already seen a situation like this actually occur (invasion of Iraq).
5: “actually clinton did do something about bin laden he bombed….”
All Clinton did was have sexual relationships and live a life of luxury in Washington. All he accomplished in attempting to bomb Bin Laden was waste millions of precious taxpayers dollars(he didn’t care, since none of his African American and welfare receiving democrats pay taxes anyways) and hit a couple camels in the ass! What Clinton should have done is pay more attention to international affairs and gotten enough balls to actually send soldiers into Afghanistan, and do what Bush had to do years later, after 3,000 lives had been lost due to Clinton’s inadequate leadership.
6: “don't you just love good ol' american military unintelligence”
Why was the American intelligence so “poor”? Maybe it had something to do with the gigantic cut in funds that the military received thanks to none other than that Clinton administration. Everything comes with a cost, and the US military intelligence was just as good as the financial support they received.
7: “Iraq did not provide a safe haven for terrorists”
Please give me some hard evidence of this. The FACT is that after the terrorist attacks of 9/11 there were celebrations in the streets of Baghdad. You’re telling me they weren’t harboring terrorists?
8: “bush spent an entire month on his ranch in crawford, texas”
Again, where is the evidence of this? Not to mention, he can still be working when he’s at his ranch. Can you inform me of the law that says you’re not allowed to work at your home? I guess you haven’t discovered the power of email and the internet.
Please educate me, but please use facts, not lies and deception. Here’s a little advice: If I were you I wouldn’t waste my time and money on a campaign for yourself. Unless the public’s minds become much more twisted than they already are, you would have no chance due to your gullible mentality and corrupt views.
The Nation" Florida's Disappeared Voters': Disenfranchised by the GOP"
Gregory Palast, feb 5,2001
Los Angeles Times "Florida Net Too Wide in Purge of Voter Rolls"
Lisa Getter, May 21 , 2001
New York Times "Contesting the Vote: Black Voters; Arriving at Florida Voting Places, Some Blacks Found Frustration"
Mireya Navarro and Somini Sengupta, Nov 30 2000
I'm sure the herald will try to be as reliable as possible when reporting stories that could win journalism awards, thereby adding prestige to the paper, increasing circulation, bringing in more advertising dollars. i'm sure that you ahve your own personal grievances about how they mess up really vital stats like the size of Adewale Ogunleye's jock strap etc or how they add an extra interjection to a quote or they omit profanity and things like that from another atheletes tirade. Most blacks are not on welfare, I know that maybe hard for you and some white supremasicists to believe but its true( seriously there are over 30 million of them, what makes u think at least 15 million don't have jobs and sit at home all day eating fried chicken, greens and watermelon with a glass of cool aid).
You know what I won't give the front page stories of the Journal, cuz u can find those online. here's stuff from todays wall street journal. On page A9 they ahve a full apge advertisement for the X3 suv from BMW. On page B2B In the lower right hand corner the words in old are Walt Disney and on page B1 they havea great article ona new arcitecture software with a neato image.
I don't make stuff up I just say the facts and the reason I didn't respond to all your other really well thought out points was that I coudl care less and i'm disgusted with you.
now I don't want you to take my above statements as a challenge to ur manhood or to what i'm sure is ur unparralled nautical prowress -i can't wait to see u in athens- so i don't wnat you going off and challenging me to a caged death match or a game of chicken down dead man's curve. These posts are just getting ridiculous and i don't wanna get stupid by starting to call you things like The Great Guppie or The Flying Flounder. Hopefully we can put aside or differences and work for a better america together cuz there's a sayin in Texas that goes, wait never a mind, the point is that i own you. I admit that sometimes I grow aroused by the enflamed words of passion that you spew from ur keyboard and that my sodacan of love grows turgid with desire, but i still excercise complete and total control over you and being that you are my slave, thrall, vassal, serf and what have you, In addition to clandestine paramour i will forgive this rebellion as long as you crawl back into bed so i can do that thign to you that you like...
My point is that if I wanna go work for a better America i'll go plant a few trees, clean up a beach,volunteer in a local hospital, donate money to a worthy charitable organization or all of the above. Anyway, now that i've given you some ideas as to how to improve or country I want you to go out and do something about it and report back to me as soon as possible.
PS. Tell me, if i'm a pussy and i can't handle what you have to give to me, cuz this one time i had this Botswanan fellow who's member looked like a tube of cookie dough, is what you have to give me bigger than that.
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